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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

14 Cheap & Good Food Hawkers in Siglap


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire

14 Cheap & Good Hawkers in Siglap

Siglap 936 Food House - Best Hawker food in the East

Cheap and good food

Cheap and good food in the East-Siglap. This is our local on East Coast Road. This is our 2nd home, a place where everyone knows your name, have witnessed your kids growing up and know your likes from seating, to food and drinks. This is not fine dining but it is generations-old recipes on offer from \$4-\$10 only. It is cheap food Singapore and has some of the best hawker food in the East.

You’ll find the King of fried rice, in fact, the best-fried rice in Singapore. You’ll find the infamous Thow Yen Seafood offering traditional and incredible food including ‘Brian’s Noodles’ – I kid you not just go and ask for them, and new hipster entrants such as Taco Bout really adding a major cultural mix in a hawker with Mexican food making it one of the unique restaurants in Singapore.

This is nestled on East Coast Road, funnily enough at number 936, hence the imaginative name and it is one of the best East Coast Road restaurants. Well, actually it is 8 or so hawker stalls that combined make it a truly wonderful smorgasbord of options from one affordable restaurant in Singapore. It really is our go-to place for Siglap food.

Most of the hawker stalls do hawker food delivery now as well, mainly caused by our mate Covid and also due to the fact that the owners won’t invest to allow them to be a 5-person seater option yet. Despite that the stalls have not really increased their pricing in the 8 years we have ben frequenting here, so this is very much still Cheap and good food in the East-Siglap.

Frequently asked questions about Siglap 936 Food House answered by ISLIFEARECIPE-dia​

Yes, indeed most of the hawker stalls listed above do delivery.

You have a couple of options, because you can order direct off of Foodpanda or Deliveroo.

They are open every single day from early doors like 6am until late. Due to Covid they are only allowed to serve beer up to 9pm and you have to have consumed your last beer by 10:30pm. If you’re nice one fo the servers might even sneak next door to NTUC for you to keep the beers flowing past the 9pm curfew.


Sadly, due to a penny-pinching owner, they are still at 2PAX per table only. All the stall owners are very disgruntled and sadly some have gone out of business because of it. 

In Singapore, a hawker is a person who hawks food. This used to be from a roadside stand or a pushcart in the old days. Hawkers may be seen at coffee shops, hawker centres, and food courts these days (airconditioned hawker centres). It’s not uncommon for street vendors to specialize in a single dish or cuisine.

And that is what this GEM on the East Coast is at Siglap 936 Food House. It is a conglomeration of individual hawkers, cum stalls that make up the food court or food house. You eat in a communal area and have table service for drinks but you have access to 10+ varieties of food. It is an exceptional food and insanely good value for money. Cheap and good food in the East-Siglap.

Don’t forget these recipes are many generation hand-downs and are seriously some of the best food you will ever eat. Why do you think Michelin is now awarding stars out to hawkers? The food has been the same for generations, not just the same as it was last year.

Not really. There is a tiny car park at the front of NTUC but that is usually jammed. You can park in the side streets opposite. To be honest just jump the bus, the bus stop is 10 metres away.

Here's the who's who in the Siglap 936 Food House zoo

Watch our little Vlog here of the Hawker Food and cheap and good food in the East-Siglap

Alive & Kicking Food Stalls

There really has been some turmoil of late here so stalls have opened and closed in very quick succession sadly. Many have had to fall on their sword due to Covid issues and the ridiculous 2 people only seating. Those surviving are as follows.

Thow Yen Seafood Siglap 936 Food House

Thow Yen Seafood

They even do hawker food delivery from Thow Yen Seafood. There is a continuous ding ding of orders coming in via Food Panda. Incredible variety including Brian’s noodles – come on you HAVE to try them. Favourites are their fried chicken, the Beef Bee Hoon, Fried Pork Belly, Sesame Pork Ribs, Broccoli with Garlic, Fish ‘w’ Ginger… the list goes on and on. Come and see my Asian sister here and say hi from me.

Teck Ee Siglap 936 Food House

Teck Ee

This is the smorgasbord stall. They have something like 20-30 different fishes bubbling away of fish, meats and veggies. A huge array of different foods. You basically walk up and select like 4/5 options, add white rice and walk away with $5 less in your pocket. Yes it is only FIVE DOLLARS.

Taco Bout Siglap 936 Food House

Taco Bout

KAPOW!!! In comes this new entrant offering which is unique to Singapore I’d say and it has an Angmo owner. Mexican from a hawker is genius. These guys are rocking. The tacos are to die for, nachos on steroids, Burritos the size of a small child and all so very affordable. And they do incredible Satay. How about that? Delicious!!! Yes you can use Deliveroo & FoodPanda for hawker food delivery from here.

936 Siglap Spicy Hot Pot

936 Siglap Spicy Hot Pot

Another family favourite. This uncle is a GENIUS Chef who takes some dried Maggi noodles and turns them into an umami hot pot dish. They are insanely good. You choose the ingredients you want, and then the level of spicy with him. If you choose spicy prepare yourself cos that stuff will burn you a new bum-hole. It has dried chillis and Szechuan Pepper. You just can’t stop eating it. Must add cold beer though!!!

Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee

Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee/White Bee Hoon/Nasi Lemak and King of Ban Mee

This is a Wifey favourite. She is always ordering the Prawn Mee, see below, from here and she rates it up there with the very best she has had including the VERY popular, queues down the road, Hawker Shop down the road, Beach Road Prawn Noodle House (which is not on Beach Road). From a Filipino that is a massive accolade.

Prawn Mee @ LTN
Pizzaria Creation Siglap 936 Food House

Pizzaria Creation

Another unique restaurant in Singapore is this pizza shop in the local hawker at Siglap 936 Food House. A family favourite. The kids love it. Actually, I love it too. My personal favourite, which is a knockout pizza is their Blue Cheese with Bacon. You have to try that one day. It is exceptional.

Auntie Rojak Siglap 936 Food House

Auntie Rojak

She has been here for YEARS with her husband and now daughter. This is truly the best Rojak and Popiah you’ll get in Singapore. I cannot stop watching the Aunty & Uncle prep, they are meticulous and precise. The flavours and textures pop all over the place like pop-rock candy. It is incredible.

Drinks at Siglap 936 Food House

Drinks at Siglap 936 Food House

What’s great about Siglap 936 Food House is that you don’t actually ever have to go near this stall. See the Aunty in the pink shirt? Well, she is full-on table service. It is incredible. They come to take your order and make the delivery, and once they know you you don’t even have to order. Politely leave a top though, folks. It is well-deserved.

House of Yan Siglap 936 Food House

House of Yan

A 2-in-1 stall with Wanton and Noodles on the right and exquisite roast meats on the left. I once had a roast pork belly cooking competition with these guys for some fun. Great food, so very cheap, amazing Hainanese Chicken Rice, Char Siew, Roasted Pork Belly on offer here.

good hawker food in the east

Siglap 936 Food House has been a little volatile shall we say of late with openings and closures a many. We lost Big Kodo and Grandfather Carrot cake in the blink of an eye, 2x Thai Mookata stalls gone, and even the long-stay part-of-the-furniture Dave and Empress all gone now. 

In their honour we’ll share our blog review of the below. They were all hawker legends in our humble opinion.

Mooks Mookata Siglap

Mooks Mookata


A crew of kids straight from National Service was nailing it with families galore chomping down on their incredible food offering. Covid hit, hawker closure and then 2x PAX only destroyed them as this is not really. delivery option. Thai BBQ includes Bacon-wrapped Mozzarella and Truffle Spam.

Empress Place Siglap Beef Kway Teow

Empress Place


Run by our life-long friend Dave and his lovely wife. Well, when you eat there every week for 8 years how can you not become mates right. Best Beef Kway Teow on the planet, sadly gone and his son also sadly closed over Timbre+ – yet more Covid casualties.

Boojio Mookata Siglap

Boojio Mookata


We lost two stalls in one go with these guys as they had just opened a South-East Asian stall offering up Japanese Wagyu Pho Bo and Laksa. Sadly both are gone now, the 2nd Thai BBQ to try its hand ni Siglap wiped out again by Cvid and 2 PAX only seating.

Deen Muslim Food Siglap

Deen Muslim Food


Man, this one was a major loss. Our very own Prata & Curry stall in Siglap 936 Food House or LTN as it was back then. Never replaced. Deen was the one and only Prata shop to have existed in our time in Siglap, som nine years now. Sorely missed.

Red Oil Wantons Siglap LTN

Noodles & Red Oil Wantons


This was a cracker and I am calling out these little Red Oil Wantons as their signature dish because these were off-the-charts good. All noodles and wantons were freshly made daily by the owner of the stall. It was hawker food theatre to watch him.

Come on expats - #supportyourhawkers

I have seen a number of expats turn their noses up for eating at the ‘dirty’ hawker. I think you guys should pop round the back of your expensive restaurants in Robertson Quay, Boat Quay and Holland Village for a surprise. Guys this is Cheap and good food in the East-Siglap.

This is where the Singapore food scene is guys. This is SHIOK. Get in line and follow the locals in the long queues. This is the best food you will eat in Singapore and you’ll be supporting its heritage and helping sustain the hawker culture and food. It is so important because food styles have been created here through fusions with the likes of Peranakan, Nyonya and Makansutra awarded.

This is cheap and good food in the East-Siglap at Siglap 936 Food House, AKA LTN. \$7.50 long-neck beers on ice to boot, not you \$16-18++ a pint at Boat Quay, and the food is \$4-10 not \$35++ for some run-of-the-mill average burger.

Here’s some ISLIFEARECIPE-dia for you. Do you know what the A, B, C, D cards are in the hawkers that are mandatory to display? Well, they are the stalls scores in their food hygiene exams as dictated by the National Environmental Agency (NEA). How about that? 

Eating establishments and food stalls are assessed by NEA and given the following grades:

  • A – a score of 85% or higher
  • B – a score of 70% to 84%
  • C – a score of 50% to 69%
  • D – a score of less than 50%

Maybe think along the lines of;

  • A – awesome
  • B – borderline
  • C – caution
  • D – diarrhoea

Covid times...

Despite Michelin Stars and Unesco Heritage Awards being issued why is the Government not supporting the hawkers more through Covid times. They are a cheap per dish/volume business, and a family focused business. To limit tables to 2 and not support by helping them expand that to 5 is criminal and we are now seeing the demise of many as you will see from the list of closed stalls at Siglap 936 Food House.

A great example is Mookata. It is designed to be family sharing meal option. To limit to 2 pax per table has killed not one but two Mookata stalls in the 936 Siglap Food House hawker since Covid. It is saddening.

Govt – give the trace tech free, incentivise the additional resource to man the ‘check-in’ and protect your Unesco heritage – PLEASE. The hawker industry is haemorrhaging from what I can see with empty stalls EVERYWHERE.

ISLIFEARECIPE-dia time - Siglap History

From east to west, Kampong Siglap, Kampong Goh Choo, Kampong Lim Choo, and Kampong Hajijah were all located along the shore of Siglap in the early days, and they were all located along Siglap Road. There was a tiny Japanese fishing colony in the vicinity, but they had all but disappeared by the conclusion of World War II.

In 1912, the Frankels purchased the majority of Siglap’s inland coconut and nutmeg farms. When the Frankels arrived in Singapore, they were affluent Jewish businesspeople from Lithuania who had built up an impressive fortune selling rubber, bread, and even furniture in the city and the surrounding area. After moving to the estate, they started developing the neighbourhood by naming streets after renowned operas of their day, such as Carmen and Aida, which gave rise to the name Opera Estate.

The Frankels emigrated to the United States at the beginning of World War II.

The government began a massive land reclamation effort in the mid-1960s, and as a result, the whole East Coast Region’s shoreline shifted outward. As a result, many local people were unable to make a living from fishing, and many chose to leave or were transferred to nearby estates.

I am not sure when Cheap and good food in the East-Siglap and our mates at Siglap 936 Food House commenced, but they have been going strong since we got here 9 years ago and long may they continue.

Siglap Kampung

Our conclusions about Siglap 936 Food House and cheap and good food in the East-Siglap

It literally is our second home. We have seen hawker stalls come and go, but we have made life-long friends despite that, we feel like family with them when we dine here. We support them wholeheartedly and have written a number of blogs to try and help them be sustainable through these very troubling times of Covid and max PAX seating.

This is the epitome of cheap and good food in the East-Siglap. Long live Siglap 936 Food House. Get yourself down here for super-affordable and delicious food, with a cold beer of course. You will not be disappointed I guarantee it.

Tap me on the shoulder and I might even make a recommendation and buy you that 1st beer to welcome you to the neighbourhood.

Siglap 936 Food House address - get down here, NOW!!!

Why not try some of ISLIFEARECIPE's recipes of our very own take on Singaporean Hawker Food

To compare to our review of cheap and good food in the East-Siglap let's have a look at some other top Singaporean hawker reviews from ISLIFEARECIPE

  1. Bedok Marketplace – this place is #ModSinHawker. It is uber cool with VW Beetles, Vespas. and the like adorning the entrance and then new entrants of cool-kids owing the stalls and bringing new recipes from Wagyu Pokies to authentic Thai

  2. The Bullion Hawker Bar – cocktails & beer on tap in a hawker – OMG, plus about 8 hawker stalls offering beautiful food from Kway Teow to Indian

  3. East Coast Lagoon – it is HUGE. Some of the best restaurants in the East are here, and it is good hawker food in the East believe me
  4. East Coast Park Playground – Coastal Playgrove – The 4.5-hectare Coastal PlayGrove is the newest family-friendly destination in East Coast Park


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