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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Cugini Best Italian Restaurant Joo Chiat


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Cugini one of the best Italian restaurants in Singapore

Table of Contents

Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria Address: 37 Joo Chiat Pl, Singapore 427761

Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria Restaurant Joo Chiat Place menu update

Cugini restaurant is one of those Joo Chiat restaurants that you can’t stay away from. If you have not been I highly recommend you do because it is an absolutely wonderful place with some of the very best Italian food eaten by these old lips.

Read on as we’ll be sharing the Cugini Menu & Pricing.

We had this place recommended by a few, including our very own Mrs Knibbs and even one of our ChillaxBBQ food supplier partners. The funny thing is we tried to book a few times to go for Saturday lunch after Jude Jude’s Chinese lessons, but could never ever find a slot. 

Today we happened to walk past and saw the outside seating area was quite empty so took a walk-in chance and success. We had a wonderful lunch today. No, it was a superbly wonderful lunch today. We’ll be back here, that is a certainty. Read on for the Cugini Review.

The Cugini restaurant location is at 37 Joo Chiat Place which is right next door to the Spanish Grill restaurant Asador which is located at 51 Joo Chiat Place. Asador Singapore which is another of those Joo Chiat restaurants we keep coming back to time and time again. Make sure you check out the Asador Review on the button below

Cugini Outdoor Dining

Back we go today for a repeat performance at Cugini. Again, we experience the craziest service regime but incredible food when it arrives. It’s bonkers. The Smoked Salmon Caesar Salad literally arrives as we’re finished and ready to leave, thinking that they had forgotten to serve it. Carpaccio, AKA raw meat that needs plating only and no cooking, arrives 2nd to last. Just me, or is that bonkers?

Anyway, what we got was incredible including a new one on the menu of the suckling pig. That really is a WOW moment of food experience. So very good, as you will see. Superb lunch today. Stunning food to look at and consume. Read on for more details…

Suckling pig @ Cugini
Caesar Salad with Smoked Salmon

I cannot find this on their social media presence and no menu they share has this one there. How they cannot be singing from the rafters about this dish is beyond me. It is off-the-charts good. Slow-cooked at low temperature, yes folks, reverse-seared not boil-in-bag for 26 hours (if I remember right) and then seared to give the crispy skin. Oh man, it was heavenly. The jus is some pork stick with a vinegar kick and was the BFF to the meat. Seriously one hell of a dish. One to automatically choose when you dine here. Enough for 2 pax in one dish easily! Suckling Pig.

@ $42

This is the Smoked Salmon Caesar Salad. This took about an hour ++ to be served. Insane. Guys, it’s a bloody salad. It’s cold. All you gotta do is plate it. Literally, when it arrived Wifey was like, I am done now. I have been sitting here forever waiting for this and now don’t want it. 

It literally came like 3o seconds before the kid’s ice cream was served for dessert. I will use this as another dig at this restaurant.

Today. We got served calamari we didn’t order and they ended up giving it to us free. And two starters came something like 30-40 minutes after the mains. Just weird.

Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria Singapore

We chose to sit outside in this Mediterranean-style, airy almost feeling beachy area. Bloody brilliant. We felt abroad. Now that is very important during this Covid-19 period. To be transported somewhere else felt fantastic. Great atmosphere. Superbly styled. An incredible open kitchen and stunning food to match.

I will have one moan though about lunch today, which was the delivery of the food. Let me caveat no complaints re the food quality as you will see shortly and no complaints about the serving crew, all of whom were just lovely. It was a ‘when’ thing. We got Wifey’s main course 1st after a long wait post initial order, then waited 20 minutes and a starter appeared, 10 minutes and another starter, main, starter, then the rest of the mains and we even had one forgotten starter which we had to re-order. When we got the food there was nothing but compliments about how stunning it was, but the ‘delivery execution’ felt adrift from the rest of the experience.

Now that is out of the way let’s move on to watch our Cugini restaurant Review Video on YouTube.

Let's have a quick look inside the Cugini restaurant ...

Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria

Check out that kitchen. I am in heaven. They’ve even got a Gaucho Grill!!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!

Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria

It really is such a stunning place inside and out. But, I am so glad we chose outside on this sunny and airy day as it really did make it feel like we were sat somewhere else on this planet. We were transported by food and the ambience of this place. Be proud of that Cugini crew, that’s a unique skill & capability.

How about the outside view of the Cugini Restaurant

Joo Chiat Italian Restaurant

Very happy campers with our lunch today. It was an absolute belter of a lunch. Absolutely some of the very best Italian food we have had as a family. Without a doubt.

And seriously it feels like you are eating overseas near a beach.

As usual let's hear from them, their own Cugini restaurant Review. I really could not agree more with what they say...

“Traditional Italian Cuisine at its finest. The first collaboration between Executive Chef Mauro Muroni and General Manager Gerri Sottile, Cugini is a popular dining destination in Singapore, serving traditional Italian gastronomy in a trattoria setting.

Inaugurated in August 2009 in 87 Club Street, after a successful run of 11 years, Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria continues its success by relocating to 37 Joo Chiat Place in October 2020. The new upgraded concept has a Sardinian and Sicilian touch, including an Italian custom-made wood-fired pizza oven and a traditional charcoal grill. Inspired by heartwarming, comfort food, Mauro brings together authentic, homemade Italian flavors in a modern way.”

Now for some of the Best Italian Food in Joo Chiat snaps...

Joo Chiat Italian

Here is that 1st dish of the day. Wifey’s main course order. A little small you could argue, but this punches above the actual weight. From the Cugini Signatures, this is their Fegato Grasso – foie gras, pan brioche, Passito wine reduction, mango salad, pistachio crumbs. I had a little piece of this from my lovely wifey and man it was so good. Pistachio, mango and Foie – who’d have thunk it? Well, these guys bloody did and it is a match made in heaven. A cracker!!!

@ $25

Joo Chiat Italian

Stop the Burrata cheese bus, because I think we have a winner. A Burrata cheese to die for and drink like fresh cream. It is insanely good, with off-the-charts oil & Balsamic, the freshest best tasting goddamned rocket I have ever had and killer tomatoes. Best Burrata salad dish I have ever had without a doubt. Burrata Pugliese – burrata cheese from Puglia (now there’s a new holiday destination when this Covid nonsense is over), wild rocket salad, heirloom cherry tomatoes, and basil. WINNER!!!

@ $33.50

Joo Chiat Italian

And another best ever up next. I kid you not, because this is without a shadow of a doubt the best carpaccio I have ever eaten in the 52 + years I have been on this planet. This dish is incredible. Jude Jude and I devoured this in a disgusting carnivore fashion. Sorry to the restaurant, because it was primal. But we could not stop eating this, because some unique things accompany this like the confit and the mayo. Both are just amaze-balls. This is Carpaccio Di Wagyu – Wagyu beef carpaccio ‘w’ confit rhubarb (WTF I hear you shout – shut up and just try it, say I), quail poached eggs (well egg in our case), and parmesan mayonnaise. Angels sang for this one, and they sang well!!!

@ $22

Italian Restaurant Joo Chiat

#1 gets his main now, and he opts for the Cugini Signatures choosing the Home-Made Ravioli Al Tartufoblack winter truffle & potato, parmesan, walnuts, truffle butter sauce. You should have smelt this when the plate arrived, because boom, we were transported to the Italian countryside. Incredible aromas filled our table. I had a little dib-dab of the sauce., and yep, that’s a keeper. #1 lauded over this. Another phenomenal dish from the kitchen.

@ $26

Best Pizza in Joo Chiat

cugini trattoria pizzeria best pizza on Joo Chiat

Then we get to the pizzas... Did you think I was going to dis the pizzas with that opening statement? The very best pizza I have had, and the dough is just out of this world and I mean it. I have never tasted anything like it on the base of a pizza, it’s like sourdough on steroids. We ordered another after we demolished this one because we had to. It is really that good. And for about the same price as some shite from Dominos. I hope these guys have Cugini delivery Singapore to Siglap. This 1st pizza was chosen by Strawberry Blonde and what a 1st choice it was. This is Crudo E Rucolatomato sauce (best I have ever tasted), mozzarella, Parma ham, rocket. They make it sound so simple. What an underplay of the quality of this…

@ $25

How the Cugini Restaurant makes their Pizza Dough

I have to add this little section. Clearly, they are so proud of their pizza dough, and rightly so. They call this out on the Cugini menu;

“Our light and fragrant dough has a mix of 7 stone-ground flours, indirect dough cold-matured for over 70 hours, high hydration over 70%.”

If you like to make Pizza at home be sure to check out our Wagyu ‘w’ Black Truffle Meatball Kid’s Pizza recipe

Italian Restaurant Joo Chiat

Jude Jude and I go for a sharing plate. This is up there with the absolute best pork I have ever consumed because it was like eating Japanese A5 Wagyu steak. Marbled to buggery, fatty but not chewy, buttery, medium-rare (yes you can eat quality pork at medium-rare), as tender as a baby’s bum, a little sea salt to season and that was that. Served with a little mustard that elevated my food hard-on by another 10 degrees. What an OMG food moment, and how beautiful does that look plated? Find this in the menu under the Charcoal Grill section Secreto Iberico Pork – black Iberian pig fillet. I love you piggie!!!

@ $39

Italian Restaurant Joo Chiat

We now come to a late entrant. The forgotten dish from the starters. #1 and Wifey got stuck into this in a big way. I always watch Wifey’s reaction when seafood is involved as that highly critical Filipina who lived next to the sea raised on seafood can’t help but be honest. And she loved it because she was amazed at the freshness, incredible dipping sauces and the crumb crunch to die for on the outside. Be proud Cugini this gets the Bohol seal of approval!!! Who cares if this was forgotten in the 1st place? This is Calamari FrittiMediterranean fried squid, home-made mayonnaise & chilli sauce (#1 likened it to a quality Peri Peri).

@ $19.50

Joo Chiat Pizza
Best Joo Chiat Pizza ever!

I really could not help myself, because, after that 1st pizza I had to have more. We all spotted this 4 cheese bad boy and just had to order it. Despite food coma fast approaching how could we resist? Everyone saw it and declined a piece due to being completely stuffed. So I tempted them with a little nibble of a piece and within 5 minutes the whole lot was gone. Best cheese pizza of all time. It’s just a cheese pizza, right? Not even close. If this was what Macaulay Culkin had ordered in Home Alone he would have told his family to not return from France until he had devoured this all to himself. This is 4 Formaggimozzarella, fontina, gorgonzola, emmental. 

@ $25

Italian Restaurant Joo Chiat

We did indeed order dessert. Wifey chose to order a bucket-sized Tiramasu, #1 and Jude Jude went home-made gelato and Strawberry Blonde ordered this little beauty. This is the one worth the photo of this little jar of amazingness. I am not a dessert person, but I could swim in this one, brush my teeth with it and use it as hair gel. It’s a WOW dessert. Simply called Panna Cottawhite chocolate base, raspberry coulis, fresh mix berries. What a quality finish to a stunning lunch.

@ $13

Cugini Restaurant Menu

Cugini menu

Spencer and Family Visits Cugini: Best Pizza Joo Chiat

As Brians fellow blogger I have to review posts he has created and am often left salivating, Cugini has been on my target go to list and when the family said lets go out for some good food Sunday night on the East Coast, Cugini came to mind!

We had to try a few of the same dishes Brian had tried before such as the Calamari and the Ribeye Steak, in fact we ordered two of the Ribeye steaks to share amongst 3 and was not disappointed.

Also the must have was the 26 hour Roast Suckling pig and to wash all that meat down we polished off a bottle of Italian Le Coste Chianti 2020.

Looking at the prices from 2021 they seem to have not changed much despite higher staff costs, energy prices and rentals in Singapore leading to higher inflation levels!

We would go as far as to say this is the Best Italian Food in Joo Chiat

Cugini Desserts

Affogato and Tiramisu

Despite being totally stuffed from the great food Cugini had presented to us I just had to give these two desserts the write up they deserved! 

In the realm of divine desserts, two classics stand out as ambassadors of Italian culinary finesse: Affogato and Tiramisu. These decadent treats have secured their place on menus worldwide, captivating dessert enthusiasts with their distinct flavors and delightful textures.

Affogato, a simple yet sophisticated delight, is a harmonious marriage of rich, velvety gelato or ice cream “drowned” in a shot of hot espresso. This divine concoction brings together the contrasting temperatures and textures in a delightful contrast, where the warmth of the coffee melts the cold creaminess of the gelato. The aromatic coffee intertwines with the creamy sweetness, creating a delightful symphony of flavors that dance on the palate.

Tiramisu, a timeless classic, is a layered masterpiece that embodies indulgence. Its delicate layers of ladyfinger biscuits soaked in espresso and laced with a rich mascarpone cream, dusted with cocoa powder, create a dessert experience that is nothing short of heavenly. Each bite unveils a perfect balance of coffee-infused sponginess and the luxurious, velvety smoothness of the mascarpone, leaving a lingering sweetness that tantalizes the taste buds.

The Affogato and Tiramisu present a captivating duality in the world of desserts. While the Affogato celebrates the contrast between hot and cold, coffee and cream, the Tiramisu is a symphony of layers and textures, each bite carrying the essence of Italy’s culinary mastery.

Whether you lean towards the simplicity and bold flavors of the Affogato or the intricate layers of the Tiramisu, both desserts offer a glimpse into the artistry and richness of Italian sweets, making them an absolute must-try for any dessert aficionado. In the battle of the classics, these two delicacies never fail to enchant and satisfy the cravings of those with a sweet tooth.

Cugini Restaurant Reservations & Delivery

Cugini does not take bookings via any 3rd party app. 

Call you make a Reservation or Delivery order +65 6243 5215, or by email to

Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria Address & Telephone

Address: 37 Joo Chiat Place, Singapore 427761

Telephone: +65 62435215

Cugini Restaurant Conclusion

I think the references and recommendations I was given were under-rated because we were blown away by the food here today because you should be proud Cugini crew because without a doubt that was some of the very best Italian food we have had in our 13 years in this country.

It is also up there as likely some of the very best Italian food ever had. Such quality dishes, one after the other. We’ll be seeing you very soon because we loved lunch, and we loved the restaurant.

Thank you Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria for such a great time today. Folks this is a must try location if you have not been before.

Hoping you enjoyed the Cugini Review. ENJOY!!!

Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria FAQ

# Question Answer
1 What is Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria known for? Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria is renowned for its authentic Italian cuisine, including wood-fired pizzas and handmade pasta, served in a modern and inviting ambiance.
2 Where is Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria located? Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria is located in Singapore, making it a popular dining destination for locals and visitors seeking Italian gastronomic delights.
3 What makes their pizza special? Their pizzas are cooked in wood-fired ovens, creating a crispy, flavorful crust. They use high-quality ingredients, including Italian semi-sun-dried tomatoes and mozzarella.
4 Do they offer online ordering? Yes, Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria provides the convenience of online ordering, allowing customers to enjoy their delicious Italian dishes from the comfort of their homes.
5 Are there vegetarian-friendly options on the menu? Yes, Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria offers a variety of vegetarian-friendly options, ensuring that all diners can enjoy their Italian cuisine, including pasta and pizza.
6 What are some popular dishes at Cugini? Some popular dishes include Burrata cheese from Puglia, mortadella IGP, and their signature Mozzarella pizza topped with Italian semi-sun-dried tomatoes and cream.
7 Can I find them on social media? Yes, Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria has an active presence on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, where they share updates, photos, and more with their followers.
8 What is the ambiance like at Cugini? Cugini offers a warm and inviting atmosphere, making it a great place for casual dining, special occasions, and gatherings with friends or family.
9 Do they have a lunch menu? Yes, Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria offers a lunch menu with a selection of Italian dishes, providing a perfect option for those looking for a midday dining experience.
10 Are reservations recommended? While reservations are not always required, it’s a good idea to make a reservation, especially during peak dining hours, to secure your table at Cugini Trattoria Pizzeria.

You should look at their neighbours place as well called Asador

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