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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Etna @ Upper East Coast Road


Etna – Upper East Coast Road


Come to Etna East Coast Road if you want to get your teeth in to some of the best Italian food ever have. Three years we have lived in Siglap. Three years we have walked past it when taking Amy to ballet. But we have never been in once. Why? Who knows! Luckily Amy was demanding pizza. I happened to be home on Friday. Perfect.

We booked up and had such an amazing dining experience at Etna @ Upper East Coast Road. It’s a die die must try folks. Believe me, this place is good, as in out of the park good. I really do suggest you book, as it is always packed to the rafters, as it was when we dined there.

Give them a call at +65 6444 9530, or pop an email to

I’ll state now that it is up there on the $$$, but the quality makes all the excuses for that. We’ll be back for certain, just perhaps not every week because of the $$$. Little things like $16 a pint of Heineken annoy me. But despite that, it’s going to become Mary and I date night location, for a special meal. Why, well have a look at this lot.

Etna @ Upper East Coast Road
Burrata cheese and parma ham starter

I have had this cheese before, when Mary and I were celebrating her birthday once. It is likely to be the very best mozzarella cheese you’ll eat. It is like eating double cream, with a little cheese edge. OMG. And then have that with some Parma ham and Kalamansi olives, double OMG.

Beef carpaccio
Beef carpaccio with parmesan, rocket & asparagus salad.

Here comes the second boom. Butter like beef carpaccio, with that little kick of bitter from the cheese, and a little sea salt & cracked black pepper. Sublime, just sublime.

Bruschetta up next.

Just stating that about this is nuts. This will be the best bruschetta you’ll eat in Singapore in my reckoning. Perfectly toasted bread with a drizzle of really good quality Olive oil, a little pesto, then super sweet tomatoes, garlic, basil and again sea salt and black pepper. Damn this is quality on steroids. Amy has even said she wants to come back just to have more of this. Great work Etna @ Upper East Coast Road.

Etna @ Upper East Coast Road
Mary’s up next. Lamb Shank.

Again to leave this review of this dish with so few words would not do it justice. Mary and Jude destroyed this once they had had their first bite. In Mary’s words; “I have tried lamb shanks all over Singapore, at many restaurants and this is absolutely the best!” This was bloody incredible. You literally touched the meat and it fell off the bone, and the flavour – goodness me!!! A must try.

Etna @ Upper East Coast Road
No surprise, yes this is Amy’s. Well she did say she wanted pizza before hand.

I have to say it was a really good pizza though. She went with the pizza version of the starter we had, so loaded Burrata cheese, Parma ham and rocket salad.

Etna @ Upper East Coast Road
And now to my mains choice, unusually a pasta dish for me. But wait…

The best to last folks. This is my main course, which I chose from the specials board. So you may miss the opportunity now to consume if you don’t go this weekend. This is home made black truffle carbonara tortellone & crispy bacon. I tell you what Etna @ Upper East Coast Road, this is potentially the best pasta dish ever to cross these lips.

It is an absolutely superb dish. The pasta is so light, and then stuffed with mashed potato, and yolk of an egg. Then it is drizzled with black truffle sauce, and sprinkled with crispy bacon bits.

When you bite in to this you will need to stop and take breath. It is HEAVENLY. The egg yolk drizzles out, cooked to perfection. Simply the best. If this is ever on the menu here, I implore you to order it, maybe even two of them. It’s a killer.

So there you have it folks our first experience of the fine dining at Etna @ Upper East Coast Road. If you have a foodie bucket list, make sure you add it in. And as a sub-heading to that bucket list entry, make sure you add that it must be the home made black truffle carbonara tortellone & crispy bacon that you order. This was just a spanking meal. We will be back, of that there is no doubt. You have to come and try my friends!


  ETNA HISTORY: OUR GROUP OF RESTAURANTS Founding History – ETNA was founded in 2006 helmed by the determination to introduce authentic Italian cuisine and truly Italian dining experience in Singapore. Taken after Italy’s most iconic volcano, the name ETNA also reflects the worldly renowned excellent produce and finest ingredients from the Sicily region. The name is also a clever play of representing the restaurant’s pride and focus on delivering truly Italian hospitality, recognizing that Every Table Needs Attention. ETNA has since evolved from a humble trattoria to a more sophisticated ristorante, taking on a contemporary approach offering a wide range of Mediterranean-influenced dishes. The recently revamped ETNA is now spruced up with a more upscale ambience, personalized hospitality and most importantly, better quality food in generous portions, at affordable trattoria prices. Starting out with only one outlet, ETNA now has two outlets and definitely has plans to expand as a group of restaurants in the imminent future.   Location: 110 Upper East Coast Road Singapore 455298 Tel: 6444 9530 Fax: 6444 9553 Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday 12pm -2:30pm, 6pm-10:30pm

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