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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire


The Incredible Burnt Ends Review

The lunch at Burnt Ends made me feel like I had died and gone to food heaven.

This was my last day of not working before I start with my new company next week, so this was my last Lunch with Wifey. And what a way to end my ‘freedom’ than a first dining experience at Burntends Singapore.

You may remember the blog for the Marina Bay Sands and Sky High Gourmet Fiesta w Obaachan? At that event, I met the Group Operations Manager for Burnt Ends and saw the great man himself Chef Dave Pynt and ate his incredible food. From that chit chat I exchanged a few things with James and bless him he booked me a table for two for lunch today for wifey and me. Amazing how things happen right.

Is Life a Recipe 2022 update about Burnt Ends Singapore

They have moved folks. Plus my mate is now hired there as Commis Chef. All change. Go see my mate Pete with Chef Pynt, he’s the bald guy (with no beard) covered in Tattoos. They are now Burnt Ends Dempsey.

With an incredible interior makeover for 2022, but most importantly still having those FOUR TONNE ovens, the Burnt Ends signature!!!

Burnt Ends Dempsey

Burnt Ends Singapore new address at Dempsey Road

The Longest Burnt Ends Blog in the World (probably)

I’ll call out now that this is a long blog/review. But we had a journey today. A food journey. And I am going to story-tell it.

Burnt Ends lunch was different from the normal Lunch with Wifey sessions though. Notice the (& Jude). Poor old Jude Jude had a slip at school and bashed his face so we had to go collect him and then bring him along. Luckily we were able to get a +1 at the cool table seating area. As in front row for the food theatre about to take place for us at lunch 2nd sitting this day.

What an incredible dining experience today was. We were literally in the kitchen with the guys. Chef Pynt, be proud of every single one of your staff, they were just stunning today. We felt like family. A very well fed and watered family that is.

Chef Pynt has just been named as a TOP 50 Best Restaurant in the World and also holds a Michelin Star in Singapore. Why have I not been here before? Please, someone, tell me why. Am I an idiot or what?

Burnt Ends are very much a restaurant of few words in the public domain, but let’s hear from them:

“Run by Chef/Owner Dave Pynt, Burnt Ends has established itself as one of Asia's most exciting places to dine. At the heart of this modern barbecue restaurant is an open-concept kitchen with a custom four-tonne, dual cavity oven and four elevation grills. Burnt Ends writes new Burnt Ends menus daily and believes that there is magic that comes from cooking with wood.”

I totally agree with everything they say above.

I LOVE the fact that the Burnt Ends menu changes every day, literally. As you will see below, and yes I did steal a Burnt Ends menu 2021. But now they’ll. be having a daily Burnet Ends Menu 2022. So really my pic of the menu is worthless.

It is buzzing and vibrant and you get full-on 5D food theatre happening an arms reach away (make sure you book the table at the kitchen side). I am in love and heaven at the same time. The FOUR TONNE oven is a centrepiece with the Chefs frequently gathering burning embers to load on the Gaucho-Grills for charring the varying foods. I also love the fact that there is no real style… That is not derogatory in any shape or form. What I mean is that it is not French, Spanish, Italian etc. It is just Burnt Ends and that is unique.

Burnt Ends Reservations - 6 Months Notice to Book

Make sure you book folks as this place is JAMMED despite having two lunch sittings. You really would be kicking yourself if you missed the chance to eat here. Get it locked and loaded to avoid disappointment for you and your family. You can book via their website which has a calendar and seating arrangement for choosing those prime seats. Sit at the kitchen facing table because that is a must.

Outside Burnt Ends
We had a very short wait as we were now a +1 and had to get a space for 3. The guys only do lunch on Friday and Saturday, with two sittings each day. Booking is a MUST!!! You really do not want to miss out on eating here. Plan ahead folks, plan ahead.
Chef Dave Pynt
Chef Pynt front and centre. Managed to have a couple of chats with him too. Nice to know that he remembered us from the Marina Bay Sands event when we were chatting to James. Thanks for that Chef.

Burnt Ends Menu 2020 - well on this day in 2020

Burnt Ends Menu

EVERY day is a new Burnt Ends menu. I find that incredible as a food achievement. Look at this spectacular Burnt Ends menu it was today. Once again I have a stiffy and can’t stand up. Holy cow – what to choose?

How amazing is that Burnt Ends Menu? And this done just for today folks, just for today. The price is up there on the $$$ front, but what do you expect for a Michelin Star restaurant. You get what you pay for. It is exceptional.

But the one that stands out for me as just the most amazing coincidence is the one halfway down the menu in a single-line offering. What did I cook for the family on Tuesday night for dinner? Remember the blog?

I cooked Baked King Crab with Burnt Butter Sauce and can’t quite believe that Chef Pynt had King Crab and Garlic Brown Butter on HIS Burnt Ends menu today. WOW!!!

What did we order from Burnt Ends menu smorgasbord of tasty choices:

Smoked Quail Egg & Caviar

Pork & Mustard

Beef Marmalade & House Pickle

Leek, Hazlenut & Black Truffle

630g Dry Aged Blackmore’s Cube Roll

Bone Marrow Bun

Butterhead Lettuce, Shallots & Vinaigrette

Chargrilled Octopus with a smoky paprika crust

Burnt End’s Sourdough


Do you think we ordered enough for lunch with Wifey (& Jude) @ Burnt Ends? A bloody good reason to come back for more, more and more options and choices though right? I cannot wait. Literally, I cannot wait.

Chef Pynt
Chef Pynt is hard at work. I feel like I am encroaching taking these snaps, but it’s all part of the experience of being a few feet away watching these artisans in their craftwork. Sadly, I did not get a photo with the legend before he left this day. Next time!!!
Burnt Ends Dry Aged Steak
Like watching one of the Chefs cutting up our steak. Look at the dry-ageing outcomes on that. Remember that stuff I did in my wine fridge? I really wish I had a proper dry-ager. They wrap these steaks in Muslin. This is going to be an intense flavour, you can just tell.
Burnt Ends Dry Aged Blackmore Beef

For those of you that might be wondering what Blackmore Steak is, here you go:

“Blackmore Wagyu is an award-winning and internationally recognised producer of 100% Fullblood Wagyu beef, cattle that are not diluted with any other breed. Founder, David Blackmore pioneered the production of 100% Fullblood Wagyu beef in Australia, having imported more than 80% of the Wagyu genetics into Australia between 1992 and 2004.

It is a family-owned and run business that has been in operation for over 30 years. Their premium Wagyu product is marketed to gourmet butchers and high-end restaurants domestically and exported to 14 countries (clearly including Burnt Ends and Singapore).

David Blackmore monitors every stage of the animal’s life, from conception to plate, with care and accuracy to ensure a consistent and quality product. Their supply chain, which takes four years to complete, provides greater control over all stages of the production life-cycle. This sets them apart from most other Wagyu brands, as they breed, feed and market all of their own animals.”

If you want to try and cook some Blackmore Wagyu at home check out my very own attempt at cooking a Chef Pynt dry-aged Blackmore Ribe-Eye HERE.

Let's be having that food from Chef Pynt and the Burnt Ends Crew

Burnt End’s Sourdough

Burnt Ends Bakery Sourdough Bread
You’re all probably thinking; ‘foodie wanker, even taking a picture of some bloody bread…’ Well, let me tell you, folks. Best EVER sourdough bread is this in the picture. The crust on this is insanely good. Jude and I went on a rampage. Oil, butter, sea salt – who cares, we just need more, please!!!

Smoked Quail Egg & Caviar

Smoked Quail Eggs & Caviar
Smoked Quail Eggs & Caviar. I ordered one of these, but then thought to myself how can I comment if I don’t try? So I ordered two and thought let’s give this caviar a crack. And I am so delighted I did as this dish is bonkers good. Soft boiled, smoked and then salty with the caviar. Holy Moly. And how amazing is that plating? It is just a stunning dish or flavour, texture and presentation.
Mini Smoked Eggs
Wifey looks quite surprised by this one. It’s wafer-thin…

Pork & Mustard

Pork & Mustard
Next up Pork & Mustard. Best ham sandwich you’ll ever have haha. Crispy bread, sublime ham and lovely tangy mustard. Just so very good. The lite bites are coming thick and fast and we are loving them. Keep some space, keep some space…

Beef Marmalade & House Pickle

Beef Marmalade & House Pickle
Next up is the Beef Marmalade & House Pickle which was absolute insane cracker. I literally had no idea what to expect, even having thoughts of it being an accompaniment for the steak. But no, it was a lite bite.

Leek, Hazlenut & Black Truffle

Sous Chef shaving Truffle
Here is Sous Chef shaving. Not what you are thinking dear me. She is shaving up a HUGE pile of Black Truffle onto our Leek. Have a look at that below when it was fully plated and served.
Leek, Hazlenut & Black Truffle

This dish made both Wifey and me gasp. It’s a bloody leek. How can you make a leek taste so absolutely divine? Well, these guys did exactly that. BBQ‘d in that four-tonne oven to charred and smoky taste-heaven. I think then some melted butter and sea salt. Then shaved with the Black Truffle and some toasted Hazelnuts. Well bugger me – I will never look at a leek the same again. This one-dish was a true HOLY COW moment.

Seriously I have never had anything like it. It’s a bloody leek. But what a leek it was. Die Die Must Try if you come here and it is on the menu. WOW!!!

Our steak goes on the Gaucho Grill for a charring
Our steak goes on the Gaucho Grill for a charring
Gaucho Grills

Now, a funny thing was that Chef had to lean over…

“Sorry, but we have a dilemma. The Octopus is about 15 minutes out, and the steak is 5 minutes. What do you want us to do?” said Chef Pynt.

“There is no dilemma mate. Serve the steak. Job done. Too easy!” said Wifey and I in unison. We could not wait!!!

Flat Iron steak
Intense concentration from Chef for the plating. This might be the Flat Iron steak? Maybe next time as I want that Burnt Onion and Bone Marrow sauce.
Chef Concentration for Perfection
Burnt Ends Steak Knife
Chef Pynt nearly lost one of his steak knives today. I want one, I want!!!

630g Dry Aged Blackmore’s Cube Roll

Blackmore Steak Carving
Here is our bad boy being thinly sliced by this amazing young lady Chef. I am loving this and she really is this close to me whilst doing this. Again I am in heaven, foodie heaven.
630g Dry Aged Blackmore’s Cube Roll
Blackmore Steak Marbling

Have a look at this. Check out that marbling. This is melt-in-the-mouth steak. You literally only need a little sprinkle of sea salt and then have a mouth orgasm. Ding Dong Burnt Ends, Ding Dong!!!

Bone Marrow Bun

Bone Marrow Bun

This little bundle of silver foil then got unwrapped before our eyes. Be still my aching heart (it will be aching after eating this). Here lies the Bone Marrow Bun. My God. Sprinkle a little sea salt on this and enter a fatty unctuous food Nirvana. Damned fine food.

Butterhead Lettuce, Shallots & Vinaigrette

Butterhead Lettuce, Shallots & Vinaigrette

Then we got some green stuff that almost got ignored haha! But you couldn’t ignore it because it was super light with a lovely palate cleansing vinaigrette. It was simple and simply lovely!

Butterhead Lettuce, Shallots & Vinaigrette

Chargrilled Octopus with a smoky paprika crust

Then out came this. I saw a leg go on the grill but we could not find it on the menu. I asked. It was off-menu. Could we order it? Yes, that was the answer. Bring it on ladies and gentlemen. As it was not on the menu I am now guessing that it was a Chargrilled Octopus with a smoky paprika crust, with Harissa and Humus sauce.

You know me and seafood? I had about 5 bites of this. It was super tender, like a pop in your mouth tender. It was smoky. It had that edgy kick from the smoked paprika. And then the sauce mix on top. I kid you not folks. #1 seafood dish ever tasted, and there was even debate to order another just for me, which is really saying something. An absolute winner and stunner. See what wifey thought below, as she is the aficionado of eating this creature.

Burnt Ends Octopus Dish

It’s official folks. Wifey’s Global challenge to find the best octopus dish has changed hands for the #1 spot to date. Gaig now slips into 2nd place now behind this absolute beauty from Burnt Ends. Congrats to Chef Pynt and crew as she is one fussy Octopus eater and this is a very prestigious honour to have this Filipina place you at #1. Who needs a Michelin Star when you have Marysol #1 ranking?

Burnt Ends Chef Dave Pynt

Never idle hands in this kitchen. Chef and Sous toasting the Marshmallows for dessert.


Burnt Ends Marshmallow

Nearly done now. Food coma is fast approaching. This is a toasted Marshmallow, Burnt End’s stylee. It comes with a sticky, crunchy coating of orange and cinnamon. Dear me. There goes another artery.

Burnt Ends Mocktails

Jude watching his new BFF. The cocktail maker making Jude’s rather special Mocktail. He sat there intensely watching and then came back to explain to Wifey and me all the ingredients. Future career???

Burnt Ends Mocktails
“I thank you, my good man!” said Jude.
Jude Mocktail Time
Chip off the Block!

Burnt Ends Doggy Bag

630g steak

We had to take some of the 630g steak home with us. One reason was the fact that I think my stomach was about to implode, and the second reason was I had been teasing the other two kids on WhatsApp with pictures of what we were eating for lunch haha.

When home I threw the steak in a dry pan and warmed it through and gave a little sprinkle of sea salt and cracked black Kampot pepper. I also toasted a little of the Sourdough in some Olive Oil and the meat fat in the pan. Strawberry Blonde was a VERY happy 11-year-old receiving such a snack.

Burnt Ends Review - Conclusion

Burnt Ends Singapore lunch was such a special one. What a great way to end this series of lunches. Sad that Jude bashed his face, but happy that he was able to enjoy this with us. Thanks to James for booking the table for us, and to Chef Pynt and crew for truly the very best lunch experience ever. It was just quality, absolute food heaven quality.

I have to say the Burnt Ends Menu changing daily is just incredible, never the same experience twice! Every single dish was unique in flavour and texture. Off-the-charts fine dining in a really cool, casual, hipster fashion.

This was without a shadow of a doubt the very best food theatre experience for Wifey and me.

I felt at times like I was actually in the kitchen with the Chef and crew. We will be back as soon as we can because I do need to spoil the kids that could not be with us today. Hmmm, what’s the next occasion??? OK, that would be Amy’s birthday. There we go. Chef Pynt we’ll be seeing for that if not before.

Whoever reads this, you have to go, you just HAVE TO – get there and you will categorically. ENJOY!!!

FAQ's about Burnt Ends Singapore

The chef and proprietor of Burnt Ends, is David Pynt, an Australian-born International Chef. New F&B ideas were developed and online offerings were increased by the Burnt Ends group, which now operates two cafes under the Meatsmith name in Telok Ayer and Little India, and now Burnet Ends Bakery

As of 2018, Burnt Ends has hung on to its lone Michelin star. According to the San Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants List and the San Pellegrino Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants List, the restaurant presently ranks #34 and #14, respectively and impressively!

I can only give you my advice here and replay back to the Burnt Ends Menu 2021 on that day I dined. I have not seen the Burnt Ends Singapore Menu 2022, so cannot comment. If I were you I’d be ordering;

  • Burnt End’s Sourdough
  • Smoked Quail Egg & Caviar
  • Pork & Mustard
  • Beef Marmalade & House Pickle
  • Leek, Hazelnut & Black Truffle
  • 630g Dry Aged Blackmore’s Cube Roll
  • Bone Marrow Bun
  • Octopus

Plain and simple, folks. Get Burnt Ends Delivery with

Wed-Sat; 11:45am – 11:00pm

Sun/Mon/Tue; closed

This is OUCHY. If you go to their Website they are currently calling out that it will take THREE MONTHS to secure a table. Bearing in mind they only operate 4 days a week and they have just opened up Burnt Ends Dempsey I am not surprised.

I cant wait to see the Burnt Ends Menu in 2022!!

What are Burnt Ends Reservation Contact Details

Phone: +65 6224 3933

Again, do not forget that you might have up to TWO MONTHS to wait to get a table at Burnt Ends. I’d likely say longer than that now that Burnt Ends has moved to an uber-cool hipster location at Dempsey.

In fact, I hear hot off the press that it is THREE MONTHS now.

Another 2022 update is the launch of Burnt Ends Bakery

You can collect from the store, or order online and get a delivery. I’d say to get there EARLY as this stuff sells like hotcakes, well rather hot bread…

I have eaten Burnt Ends Bakery products and will give it a MASSIVE thumbs up. The Wood-Fired Sourdough is off-the-charts good, the Whole Berry Tart is just WOW, and the Doughnuts are just downright DECADENT!!!

Burnt Ends Bakery
Burnt Ends Bakery
Burnt Ends Bakery
Burnt Ends Bakery

If you can’t bear the 2 months waitlist at Burnt Ends Singapore, how about trying some other comparable local city restaurant reviews from IsLifeARecipe

  • Blu Kouzina Restaurant – 1 location in Dempsey & 1 in Siglap – amazing Greek & Mediterranean offerings
  • Tippling Club – pop along to see Chef Ryan Clift work his culinary magic – recommended to sit at the pass to watch the action
  • Salted & Hung – a nose-tail zero-waste concept from Chef Drew with stunning plating & loads of black truffle (when in season)

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