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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire


Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ


ChillaxBBQ PTE Ltd’s (did you see the other post?) first official event as a newly incorporated Company, was for our great mate. Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ. I cannot believe she has reached the heady heights of being 23!!! What a giggle this was. A light-touch from ChillaxBBQ today, with just The Beard and Frankie Goes To OllieWood. But it was different. Different, as in, something like 10 new dishes on offer today. Also 1st time ever doing something East Coast with Glamping, which is bloody brilliant by the way as you will see. So lot’s of 1st’s, but hopefully with a usual quality output or two from the menu.

Glamping by the way is glamorous camping, and you will see this from the photos. Quality.

Thanks out to our mates at The Cheese Shop @ Joo Chiat – fondue was legendary, and this time I even remembered to take a photo. Our new bit of kit, the warmer, made this last hours, and it became the focal point of the party. I kid you not. It was the last item from the cooking kitbag for Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ.

Frenchie called it ‘RUDE FOOD’ and I love him for that!!!

Menu for Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ, was;

HOLY COW – yeah, when Knibbs asked for a refreshed menu for his loved one’s birthday, one went overboard and delivered 90% net new recipes. And, in my reckoning, most of it was pretty damned good. I just hope the audience might post us a wee commentary, or review.

Here comes the pictorial bit of the post for – Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ.

Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Yeah, I have this feeling that this is gonna be COOL!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
The guys were literally erecting the tents as we prepped. It’s bloody brilliant. Can’t wait to see this when the lights go down…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
See what I mean. This ain’t camping in a tent in North Downs and Wealds… This truly is Glamping! It’s GENIUS!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
1st new one – Beef Wellies with Black Truffle. OMG this came out superb. Just a stunner. If you love truffle, you are gonna love this!!! Traditional BBQ this ain’t!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Sort of a new one. Spicy salami, marinated in honey and lemon juice. Charred and drizzled with the same marinade. Every day of the week this one…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
1st signature is up. Slow roast pork belly with Hollandaise, Dijon and Lemon Juice sauce. A fricking BELTER!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Jazzing up the kids portions today, we move from ‘vanilla’ sausages to Pigs In Blankets. Thank to Wifey and BeBe for cracking on with these. They turned out just wonderful!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Big bad new one. Inspired by my mate Owen over a couple of beers mid-week. Here is seared beetroot, with feta, honey caramelized walnut and baby spinach. Salad in a spoon… Noice!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Another new one at request from Her Knibbs. Tataki. Yep had to fucking Google it.But holy shot what a cracker this was. Lightly seared sashimi grade tuna, sprinkle of chopped chives and a dressing of Yuzu, Sushi Soy, and Lemon Juice. This was a Chicken Dinner Winner!!! WOW!!! Definitely a new signature…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Another 1st is Frankie Goes to OllieWood on the tolls cleaning up the scallops. Great work and they came out cracking – see them a wee bit later!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
The ‘lite’ ChillaxBBQ crew today – The Beard and Frankie Goes to OllieWood. Also major thanks to Wifey and BeBe for the prep. Amazing outcomes team… Loving our new ‘urban’ denim look!!! Hell yeah! Must add PTE Ltd to the logo…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Proud of his work clearly. Or is the camera facing the other way and he’s selfying…? Up nose shot, noice!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Here’s them scallops. Nicely cleaned up by Frankie Goes to OllieWood. Looking good brother. I like a lot!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
And now plated with sauce and trimmings and all that. Shit yes! How good is that!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Chicken gyros. Yes folks. We did kebabs @ a BBQ. It’s how we roll. Be serious how good do these look. And believe me the taste… We had people trying to get pissed real quick to experience the true kebab experience. Love this new dish. It is a cracker on the die die must try radar…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
#2 on the tools again – my good man would that be the Manuka Honey and Paprika prawns? I say, them’s is looking gooooood!!! And a wifey photo bomb to boot…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Come on it is on the beach and we do have some French bloke with us. So of course beach games kick in, but just like Agincourt, the English won. Well done Kinbbsy!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Frenchie keeping his V fingers in his pockets post defeat… Well done Brexit!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
“Prawn sexy?” “Don’t mind if I do Beardy!!!”
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Here is dem cheeky little buggers. Yummo. Prawns marinated in Manuka honey, and lemon juice. Wee bit of chili flake, splash lemon juice , SP and your are ON!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
And night draws in. Check out this Glamping gig. How cool is this. Like an oasis on the beach. Just need someone dropping dates and grapes in me gob as I lay and relax… Amaze-balls!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
He’s a fire starter, twisted fire starter. When I said to Frankie Goes to OllieWood, I think we need to restock the coals, this happened…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Now we all know what Chernobyl must have felt like. Good work Frankie Goes to OllieWood… Melt-down!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Saganaki AKA Halloumi cheese. Shallow fried off until charred, and lemon juice squeezed. OMG. Squeaky cheese on steroids. Off the charts good!!! Crappy photo though as now night time, bugger!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Out come the Tomas x2 – one truffle salt and one sea salt. I tell you, this FLEW off the plates.
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Scallops #2 serving – oh yes, these are GOOD!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
We’re up there next with a high high grade wagyu. This was steak on another level I tell you. An OMG food moment. Incredible!!! Even if I say so myself. WOW!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Out comes the bad boy Tex Mex three cheese fondue. Holy crap. This was ‘RUDE’ as described by Frenchie. And rude it was. Fondue on steroids. Great blend again Chris and team at Cheese Shop @ Joo Chiat. Some chili, coriander, red onion and white wine. An absolute stunner that had the party consolidated and gathered around the pot. It’s a WOW foodie moment!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
See what I mean. It’s a food fulcrum!!! No one moved for an hour or so whilst the cheese lasted!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Marisa is either playing hide and seek, or a little embarrassed re the ‘becoming naked’ one behind her. Yep it’s the witching hour, and host showing the most is on point!!!
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Cooking all done now, and time to truly Chillax with the boys. Loving this Glamping lark!!! What could possibly go wrong???
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Happy days!!! A very nice thank you from Mr Archer for the cooking. It was a cracker of a night – thanks to Marisa and His Knibbs for asking us yet again. Loved every minute. What a class night!!! Luke is praying that someone will ask him to play the guitar again…, Frenchis has dropped his Petanque, and His Knibbs has too much under arm deodorant on clearly…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
And now then end is near… Mrs Knibbs hopefully enjoying her birthday BBQ bash, I think you can easily see that she is indeed doing so…
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Man down, man down!!! Not sure happened to the t-shirt though. Which bit is wet and which bit is dry??? At least the wet bit is not on the front of his shorts. Every cloud…..
Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ
Feeling a tad like Laurence of Arabia, laying in the tent with the ladies. If only one of them would drop a nice date or grape in my mouth… Awesome!!!

And after a walk home with no shoes, leaving all the ChillaxBBQ gear in Knibbs car, I managed to sleep. Massage today to get the knots out of my legs – much needed. Yep that was one hell of a ChillaxBBQ. Busy busy busy. But Marisa Knibbs 23rd Birthday Glamping ChillaxBBQ was an absolute belter. So many new items on the menu. A real challenge, but that’s how we like it of course. Again final few thanks to; Wifey & BeBe for the prep at home and helping during the night, Frankie Goes to OllieWood for being on the tools (Leg-End), Cheese Shop @ Joo Chiat for the always amazing blend, Archer for the VERY kind words, and of course Mr and Mrs Knibbs for having us do the foodie. Love you guys all, and thank you for the usual funny fantastic night, and for meeting new faces and old mates too. Hoping you like the blog. Give us a call if you want same – a call away!



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