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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast


La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast

Shut Down

There’s a new restaurant on the East Coast folks. It’s called La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast, and yes you guessed it, it is a French restaurant. And it is absolutely rocking!!! They are at 214 East Coast Road, where I think a Korean Chicken place was before, right next door to the 2nd location of 328 Laksa. It’s a cracking little bistro-style restaurant, and yeah is all French-like making you all sort of confused sitting there as you forget you’re in Singapore.

la bonne table

Happy family, happy me. Liking this place a lot. It’s new so a little empty. Hoping this gives some word-of-mouth loving. It was brilliant at a superb price! Believe my wifey was really happy – just a bad photo from moi. Yes, I only had iPhone, so also apologize for that.

They are not yet on Chope, so I booked through Google, but well worth giving them a call or email just in case;

A tad rude as I did not say hello really, but on their name card is Manon & Andrea.

+65 6245 4626

So, as you know, we live in Siglap, and Jude’s school is Holy Family. Yep, we drive past this address on the bus every day x2, to drop and pick up. So I noticed this change of brand. I had a quick scan of the IntraWeb, saw some good reviews, and thought one day we should try La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast.

Today became that day, as we are all off on vacation this week, so I took the kids to the cinema to allow Mum to pack. Where to meet for dinner? Ah Ha – a perfect chance to try something new. So we did. Let’s be having a wee look.

Now before I do. Let me call out. It is a French restaurant. So no veggies or vegans OK. It is what it is. If you are that way inclined then cool, fill your boots. But please do not start doing soppy comments re foie gras, which we will get to in a minute. That’s my choice. You have yours. Let’s leave it at that hey? Here comes; La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast.

la bonne table menu

Well hello there. Yep, it is homemade foie gras time. This is so damned good. Creamy beyond belief, and served with this fig jammy thing. Heavens above so so very good. Loved every single morsel of this dish. It’s right up there. And get this. Give the guys two days’ notice and you can order 1/2 kilo for $115, which will last for 2 weeks in your fridge. Hmmm, wonder if I’ll be coming back here?

La Bonne Table Restaurant East Coast 4 La Bonne Table Restaurant East Coast La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast

To the specials, I go. And thank God I did. Jude wanted to order another of these, and if I was not so stuffed I would have been right after him. What a cracker of a dish. As in its no-frills rustic, but flavour explosion dish. It’s exceptional. This little beauty is simply known as Tartiflette. Tartiflette is a dish from Savoy in the Alps. It is made with potatoes, reblochon cheese, lardons, and onions. The word tartiflette is probably derived from the Arpitan word for potato, tartiflâ. Put all that together in the oven and create a melty, bacon, cheese thang and I tell you I am in absolute heaven. And my 5 years old next to me, was also riding that boat believe me. A stunner of a dish! WOW!

la bonne table menu

That same 5-year-old and the 17-year-old get stuck into the Confit de Canard. Duck! Yep, that’s right. Confit means literally preserved. Who cares. Just eat this and worry about that after. Served with this extremely rich mushroom sauce, and garlic mushroom. You can tell these guys have done this before. It’s a beauty. Fall off the bone, non-greasy and flavoursome from the heavens above. Yes, indeed this is wonderful!!!

La Bonne Table Restaurant East Coast 6 La Bonne Table Restaurant East Coast La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast

Hairy Potter, AKA Amy the 10-year-old. goes for Cote de Porc. A pork chop, again with garlic mash, and this sauce. When I say ‘this sauce’, I mean that with much respect and awe. It’s a WOW moment when you stick that first bite in your mouth. It’s a stunner. Great work.

la bonne table menu

Oh yeah, and they do dessert. Of course, the wee ones go for sorbet both choosing the lime option. But it is French, what would you expect to be on the menu? Yes, my friends, she is there. Creme Brulee. Oh yeah. Ollie and I get straight into that. Yes, there is singing from above from the chicks in white sheets, with halos and fluttery wings. It’s a beauty. Chris Salans from Bali is still my #1 of all time, but La Bonne Table, my friends you are incredible!!! LOVED IT!!!

So there you have it, my friends. A new one, and one I think you should absolutely go and support and try. La Bonne Table Restaurant, East Coast is a  gem of a French restaurant after our first visit. So much more on the menu to go yet, but I tell you my brain is gonna auto-order foie gras, Tartiflette, and creme brulee again without me even knowing it. Stunning dishes. We’ll be back soon. A few bus stops away. Next door to Jude’s school, how could we not? Just try and tell me it’s not good, get your derriere sat down here soon!


La Bonne Table Restaurant Address

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