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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Tonito Review at Jewel: second time round

Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Back to Tonito’s at Jewel Changi Airport

Tonito at Jewel Review: Do you remember my previous blog about our trip here when Jimboy & Jhea were with us? Well, this time it is with the rest of the gang who have not been here with us yet. So for Mary and me, this is Jewel & Tonito’s, but for Ollie, Amy and Jude it is round #1. We had to go back to Tonito’s for them as this place is now becoming one of our favourite family restaurants, and it is literally just down the road for us. It just happens to be in an airport haha.

Also for Jewel & Tonito’s we had a few other firsts.

We met the Head Chef & Owner of Tonito and his Head Chef. How about that? Small worlds are that I had a sneaky little look at Daniel on LinkedIN In (invited him too of course) and we share heaps of mutual connections already. Of course people like Javier from Kilo with Latin American heritage. So it was lovely to meet both Daniel Chavez and Kelvin Khok respectively. I assume Kelvin is one of “The Youngs”? Be proud guys, simply brilliant food and atmosphere. We have all visited now as a family Kennett and that includes 1 English, 2 English/Japanese, 1 English/Philippines, and 3 Philippines. And we ALL love your place. Just brilliant. For those who missed blog #1 of our trip give a little CLICK HERE.

I’ll say it again. If you have kids, get yourself down here, and seriously grab some food at Daniel’s – it is just superb!!!

On Jewel & Tonito’s we also ventured to the very top. All the walkways, maze, sky-net walkways and all that are still closed until June, but the very top is something absolutely unique. You are sat inside, but you almost feel like you are sat outside, somewhere in Europe on a lovely Spring day. There was even ‘street’ entertainment, and you even had umbrellas up whilst sitting indoors. Well done Changi, you are indeed the BEST airport, this is a crazy good family experience. Let’s have a look today then.

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2nd half of my gang enjoying themselves. Jude was actually squeaky with excitement when he first walked in and saw the waterfall. It really is quite a breath-taking spectacle for the first time. #stunning

tonitos menu

It really is just a beautiful place – and it is absolutely FREE…


I went bonkers. I ordered 3 starters – because I can ha ha. First up is this little stunner. On the POS receipt, it says Taco Pork. Massive underplay. Fresh corn Taco, crispy pork belly, crispy Chorizo sausage bits, a fresh, fresh salad (or Toreado), and some boomy chilli sauce. Kapow!!! A stunner!!!

Jewel Tonitos for round 2 5 Tonito Review at Jewel: second time round

Up next is the kids (Amy ad Jude’s) choice of Anticuchos Beef Skewers. It is amazing how this beef is prepped on the skewers, almost like a spring if you unravel a bit. Genius. It was delicious but we had a certain 11-year complaining of the spicy sauce on top. It was a little bit because of the Chimichurri on top, but you know our Amy by now. 

The fat was dripping into the chips beneath – OMG. There is also this green pesto type drizzle on top of everything. I wish I knew what was in that because I tell you what it is just so so good. Everything is a match made in heaven. So Amy got stuck into the fresh Nachos – not just fresh Nachos, but the very best Nachos we have ever had, like ever!!!

tonitos menu

Like no Chile Con Carne I have ever seen, but I had to try it. This is authentic, not the Westernised version of course. Almost more vegetarian than carnivore, but Carne, of course, is the Spanish word for meat. 

Again there is that green drizzle I love so much, some super tender beef pieces on top with some marinade that is bonkers good. There is even some crumbled cheese on this. Yep, I am loving the authentic version. Great work Tonito. They actually call it a bean and beef stew.

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My darling wife up next, who went very quiet for about 20 minutes after this got served up. She said it was super fresh fish and just an incredible dish. This is the fish version of that the kids chose. So dumbed down this is fish skewers

Bigging it up this is a Peruvian dish (where Chef Daniel is from originally) call Anticuchos. This is street food, and I think means Eastern-Cut as in the style of cuts used by the region.

tonitos menu

I also went for the ‘tomato soup’. Again what an underplay of words for such a delicious and complex flavoured soup. It’s a cracker. Shift to a cold day in the UK and I’d be ordering this all day long. It warms your soul. Bloody good. Even the menu gives little or no secrets to what goodies are in this soup.


#1 Son could not resist the pull of the Cubano. One of our all-time favourite films is Chef. It’s a must-have when you come here. I am going to make this sandwich again for a forthcoming ChillaxBBQ. I just have to. It’s a belter.

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Yeah, we filled the table! And yeah we are surely having a lovely lunch! It’s weird you could be anywhere in the world sitting here. It surely does not feel like an airport. Very strange indeed. This is our local now for Latin American food-fix… Be seeing you soon Chef Daniel and The Youngs…

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This is one thing that is still mind-blowing for me. The queues. When we first came in Ollie showed me the queue for one restaurant at lunch – Shake something or other. They do burgers. I kid you not the queue had 100++ people in it. But then I espy this monster queue. I wonder what restaurant this is for? Must be popular as buggery.

tonitos jewel

OMG, it’s not a restaurant it’s the bloody Pokemon shop. Ahahahahahahah those bloody things come back to haunt me yet again. I am pinging a LaLa Move right now to drop a shed load of Napalm in this place. Please just be POKEGONE!!!

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Not a Pokemon in sight, phew. Right to the top of the shop. Have a look at that. You literally cannot help yourself. You have to stop and stare and go ooooh. It’s nuts. It’s amazing. It’s stunningly beautiful. Man oh man are we tourists on staycation visitation or what?

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It is just a work of art! It’s a living sculpture.

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I love this snap. The old and the new.

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Here is another of those firsts. Do you remember a blog from an absolute age ago when Tiger Beer was running videos of Hawker Uncles to try to help preserve our food heritage here of a dying breed of people and sadly their food legacy? 

Well, this is an adaption of that concept. Street Lab is a pop-up concept to have local Singaporean Chefs in for 6 months a pop to expose the food to an international travelling audience. A genius concept.

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Also for $15, you can personalize your own Tiger beer bottle. Double love this concept ha ha.

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Now, what is happening? Jude and Ollie are watching something? There is a crowd building too.

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OMG, it’s street entertainment. This is like being at Covent Garden but covered by a huge glass canopy. This is insane. Again Changi what can I say. This is just brilliant.

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And finally, on reflection, no one can mirror this experience (yep final little Dad Joke in there too). I wonder if he has Disco Balls too?

And there you have it, folks. Jewel & Tonito’s for round #2. Easily becoming our favourite place to stop, shop, mooch and munch. Chef Daniel and Kelvin – genius gents, just genius. Changi Airport just mind-blowing. It gets better every time we come back. Apart from the dreaded Pokemon. 

See you in June when the sky-walks open. Another brilliant family fun day out to come to a blog near you soon. Get your bums down here guys, it’s ACE. Follow my lead and you will absolutely!


Tonito Jewel Address & Telephone

Address: 78 Airport Blvd., #02 – 248, Singapore 819666

Telephone: +65 6904 3975

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