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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Shao Restaurant on Frankel Avenue


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Shao BBQ Restaurant: You know sometimes you have an experience, and you just know it was fate. Well, we had that on Friday, and then Saturday for lunch this year. We went to Shao BBQ Restaurant on Frankel Avenue. So what do I hear you say? Well, let me just run through the co-incidences that cannot be just co-incidences. They just can’t. Read on for more about the best Frankel BBQ at Shao BBQ.

First up my Jude was keeping us entertained as we waited for the food to be served up and the to the decor because Shao Frankel is a major change to the old place Gourmet Bistro, with much cleaner lines and a fresher feel too. Great job on the refurb, we liked it a lot.


  • I was having a few beers with my good mate, Ben, Friday night and he mentions this new place that does BBQ Frankel that I simply must go and eat at, Shao BBQ Restaurant on Frankel Avenue. Of course, he really got me interested because Ben is a major foodie too
  • At one point in the evening, I left Ben to buy some cigarettes, and whilst in the queue, I was chatting to the lady in front of me, who had two big powder milk containers and we were joking about babies. Then the chat moved to food and she said you must come to the car park to meet my husband. He’s a Chef that does BBQ on Frankel Avenue. We exchanged cards, and yep you guessed he is the owner and chef of a new restaurant, Shao BBQ Restaurant on Frankel Avenue
  • The next day we decide to go there for a BBQ Frankel lunch before a  birthday party around the corner, and the restaurant is at 117 Frankel Avenue, right where one of our top family eating joints was before they closed, remember Gourmet Bistro
  • We then have a cracking lunch, meet Jack and then start off to the party, and strike me down it was like 5 minutes away
Origins of SHAO「烧」
The name SHAO comes from the Chinese character「烧」. This character is formed from the characters 「火」and 「尧」. 「火」 represents fire which is used in cooking while 「尧」 represents a meeting place. It is their vision that SHAO can be a meeting place where people can share and enjoy good food.SHAO also means roast and barbeque. Therefore at SHAO, they have created a unique menu, centering around the theme of roast and BBQ Smoker.
Faith, Life, and Art
It is at the table over food and drinks where lives, culture, and the gospel are shared. They believe that a good dining experience should encompass artistry, service, and quality. When all of these are present, dining becomes more than just food, but an experience shared with friends and family. This is the vision of SHAO Frankel.
shao bbq

Let's her from Shao Frankel BBQ

"I created the brand SHAO to represent the intersection between my passion for food and to encourage fostering friendships over food. Whether you are a customer, employee or stakeholder, you are all indispensable in this journey. SHAO is for all of us. Here, I wish to say thank you to everyone who believed in me and this vision, and helping me make SHAO a reality."

Shao BBQ Restaurant Menu

shao signature crab

Succulent & Fresh

SHAO’s Signature BBQ Crab has its roots in the traditional Teochew Cold Crab. From the traditional recipe, we infused tastes and eating styles from different cultures and after many iterations, the BBQ Crab was born.

Unlike Singapore’s trademark Chili Crab and Black Pepper Crab, we focused on using basic ingredients to enhance and bring out the natural sweetness and flavor of the crabs. Less is more! Our BBQ crabs are seasoned with sea salt, crushed black pepper, and our signature BBQ sauce. This guarantees that our crabs retain that fresh, juicy, and natural taste. Eat it as it is or with our special homemade chili sauce, wasabi sauce, or salt and pepper dip, you will be sure to come back for more.

Crazy child & amazing family for lunch

jude sunglasses shao #1
jude sunglasses shao #2

First, we start with crazy Jude, who decided to take my glasses and then make a load of funny faces and keep us all entertained at Shao Frankel.

But also rather debonair and cool with it. Very James Bond…

jude sunglasses shao #3
shao family lunch

Oh yeah, and a little Zombie

I have to say, Jack, it was a quality lunch. Great to meet again, and have more time to chat. We already have mates of ours coming to sample your fare, in fact, two friends were in today for dinner, and crab was their #1 priority. Be happy mate, they loved it too.

What we ate here so far...

shao fb image

Shao BBQ Restaurant on Frankel Avenue is a die-die must-try folks. You simply have to get here. And now will follow some photos of exactly why you should be getting your bum sat down in one of the seats to eat and be so so happy with the food.

shao baby kai lan

OMG. You may look at this picture and think, hey it’s just Baby Kai Lan, so what? This is likely to be the one of, if not the very best Hong Kong Kailan stir-fried with garlic you’ll ever eat. This is absolutely cracking! 

@ $12

shao baby lamb rack

Shao Baby Lamb Rack – WOOF or maybe baaaaaaa. This you need to eat. This is some of the most tender, flavoursome lamb you will ever eat. It’s a lamb with nectar moment and it has to be ordered!!! A sweet sauce, and sesame seeds.

@ $28

shao chilli peanuts Shao Restaurant on Frankel Avenue
shao roast pork belly

First up. Sometimes the simple things, are just so perfect. And the chilli peanuts are sure that, washed won by an icy cold Orion beer from Japan. Oh, I am loving this place immediately!

Oh no, I think ChillaxBBQ truly does have competition now. Here is Jack’s roast pork belly. Damned fine this is, it is quality! Sweet but savoury and salty. Oh my goodness!!!

@ $20 for a LARGE portion = excellent

shao wagyu beef

How about a little bit of Wagyu now in a special sauce. Jack mate, one niggle for this dish, I’d like it a little more on the medium to medium-rare side. The taste was great though, believe me.

@ $38

shao smokers

One of Jack’s great team at Shao Restaurant and his BBQ roaster sitting at the back. A huge kitchen here at Shao Frankel. Check those ducks at the back, and the stellar roast pork belly in his hand. Just insanely good!

Our conclusions of Shao BBQ Restaurant

So my friends, Shao Restaurant AKA Shao Frankel AKA Shao BBQ is up there as a must-visit and must-dine. It surely is a die-die must-try Frankel BBQ location on the East Coast, or from any location on the Red Dot. Well worth a trip guys. And it is incredibly reasonable in the pocket. We will absolutely 100% be coming back to Jack’s team and getting deeper into that menu, and you should do so too.


Jack and Shao BBQ Restaurant Frankel are rubbing shoulders with some rather good competition but he has created a very niche proposition

  •  Just around the corner is the Kennett family’s favourite Japanese Skewer joint ay Iza Izakaya Restaurant 
  • No need for a Greek passport if you come to dine here at the infamous Blu Kouzina Siglap and sample its amazing Mediterranean food

What's the Address and contacts for Shao BBQ Restaurant?

For reservations and inquiries; 6610 9233

Singapore-wide delivery is available at;

Opening hours:
Mon-Sun: 11am – 10:30pm

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