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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Best Stuffed Crabs Recipe: Filipino Style


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Best Stuffed Crabs Recipe, with a Filipino 'Twang'

Stuffed Crabs Filipino Style: This is another recipe I cannot personally taste and give you a verdict, as it’s crab, yep I am not a great lover of this, just the same as fish. I hate myself for this fact!!!

Best Filipino Stuffed Crabs Recipe

Strange though in that I live in Singapore, and I don’t actually mind chili crab. Bit today we’re going with a new recipe for Stuffed Crabs Filipino Style.

Anyway enough about me – to the Stuffed Crabs Filipino Style recipe.

I made this one up having chatted to some Filipinos. I believe if you were to compare, it is sort of a Rellenong Alimango – basically stuffed crab.

This is enough for 4 people and is sort of in between a starter and main course dish. You’ll need:

  • 4 small mud crabs, or a similar crab (but stone are by far best) 2;
  • 6 finely chopped garlic cloves;
  • 4 finely chopped small red onions;
  • 1 half cup of breadcrumbs, any will do although I used Japanese;
  • 500oz ground pork, or as I did I took a pork fillet and finely chopped it;
  • A good pinch of both salt and pepper;
  • 4 beaten eggs; and
  • A deep frying pan filled with about 3 inches of good cooking oil.

Not for the squeamish, but boil the stone crabs for about 10-15 minutes; they’ll turn that lovely shade of pink when done. Don’t worry about undercooking too much as we’re going to fry them too.

If you want to be humane, then keep them on ice just before boiling to slow their heart down to a coma state.

Once done you need to prize off the top shell. I do this by putting a knife into the join of the top-to-bottom shell; you’ll see it at the back, almost hinge-like. Then gradually wiggle your knife and the whole top shell should just come away. Do NOT break the legs of the body part.

Once the shell comes off, scrape all the meat into a bowl including the head fat (the brown stuff – don’t worry it is tasty and actually really good for you – almost like liver).

Then add all the other ingredients to the bowl, so onion, garlic, breadcrumbs, pork, salt & pepper, and approximately half the beaten egg. Mix this together well, hopefully with the egg binding it to a sort of paste. Then spoon the mix back into the empty top shells, making sure you push into the corners until it is flat to the surface. Pour the rest of the egg into a shallow bowl and then coat the stuffed shells on both sides with this egg wash – ready for frying.

Final stages of Stuffed Crabs Filipino Style: Heat the oil until popping hot. Lay the crab shells in the oil shell side up – we’re recooking the crab, but starting to cook the pork. If the oil is hot enough it should start to fry, crackle, and bubble immediately. Leave this for about 5 minutes, then with tongs turn it over to the other side and again leave for about 5-10 minutes. Check regularly as you want the mix to cook but of course not burn. When it browns you are very likely finished.

Use my “tip of the trade”: get a cold knife and stick through the mince mix until you hit the bottom of the shell. Then touch that knife above your top lip and feel if it is hot all along. If yes it is cooked, if there are cold areas you will need it to go back in for a few more minutes of frying.

Now let’s get back to your crab legs.

No, I am not saying that personally, you have legs like a crab, just that we need now to go back to the cooked legs.

Take the now cooked and stuffed shells and place them carefully back on top of the legs so it looks like a whole crab again.

You can see this clearly in the picture for Stuffed Crabs Filipino Style.

I also sprinkled over a little toasted coconut to make it look pretty. That is it finished. I served this on a nice long plate with 2-3 Kalamansi limes, or any limes quartered so you can add some zest and zing to this dish – personal taste of course.

Filipino Stuffed Crabs Recipe: Conclusions

I would suggest serving with a crab fork for reach to get into the nooks and crannies if you have them. Bibs are optional – I leave that to you. Salamat! ENJOY!!!

The origins of the Philippines and Stuffed Crabs

The Philippines, a tropical paradise with a rich culinary heritage, is a melting pot of diverse flavors and unique delicacies. From vibrant street markets to family gatherings, Filipino cuisine reflects the country’s cultural tapestry. One standout dish that encapsulates the essence of Filipino coastal living is the Stuffed Crabs, locally known as “Rellenong Alimasag.”

Rellenong Alimasag: A Filipino Culinary Gem:

Rellenong Alimasag is a classic Filipino seafood dish that celebrates the abundance of fresh crab found in the country’s coastal waters. The dish involves a meticulous process of cleaning and extracting the crab meat, which is then mixed with a medley of ingredients like minced pork, vegetables, and aromatic spices. The resulting flavorful stuffing is carefully placed back into the crab shells, creating a visually stunning and delicious masterpiece: AKA Stuffed Crabs!!!

A Symphony of Flavors and Textures:

The stuffing for Rellenong Alimasag is a harmonious blend of sweet, savory, and umami notes. The sweetness of the crab meat is complemented by the savory goodness of minced pork, while the vegetables add a delightful crunch. Aromatic spices like garlic, onions, and ginger elevate the dish, infusing it with a distinct Filipino flair. The stuffed crabs are then either baked or fried to perfection, creating a symphony of flavors and textures that dance on the taste buds.

Sharing the Joy of Stuffed Crabs:

In Filipino culture, sharing a meal is a symbol of camaraderie and warmth. Rellenong Alimasag, with its intricate preparation and delightful outcome, is often served during festive occasions and family gatherings. Whether enjoyed as a main course or a highlight at special celebrations, this stuffed crab dish not only tantalizes the palate but also tells a story of Filipino culinary artistry and the joy of coming together around a shared table.

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