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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Japanese style, roast pumpkin egg stir-fried rice


Japanese style, roast pumpkin egg stir-fried rice

I had taken a quick lunch break from work, and I decided to cook. We had a fridge full of leftovers, so I got creative and came up with Japanese style, roast pumpkin egg stir-fried rice. This is a great idea for Mum’s and Dad’s with wee ones out there. Lovely flavours in this, it’s easy to eat, and it looks lovely and colourful too. This was a great success with Baby Jude.

Japanese style, roast pumpkin egg stir fried rice

Jude did indeed wolf this down – so it must be good. He clearly has good taste, ha ha!

This really is so very quick and simple, so keep up. Here comes my Japanese style, roast pumpkin egg stir fried rice. You will need:

  • 3 slices of roasted Japanese pumpkin, de-seeded, de-skinned, chopped finely – on a roasting tray, drizzle with oil and good pinch of sea salt & cracked black pepper;
  • Roast that for about 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees until soft;
  • 1 cup of frozen peas;
  • 1 teaspoon of finely chopped garlic;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Knob of salted butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce; and
  • 2 cups of pre-cooked plain white rice.
  1. Take a wide bottom fry pan and drizzle a little oil and a knob of butter, and get it on the heat;
  2. Throw in the garlic and the rice, and start to fry that off;
  3. You want to chop the rice with a spatula, as it is likely to be clumpy, because pre-cooked;
  4. Add in the pumpkin, peas, and the soy sauce and combine well, frying for about 5-10 minutes or so;
  5. Push all that to one side of the pan and crack your two eggs in;
  6. Put just that side of the pan onto the heat and roughly scramble the eggs until just nearly cooked, then merge them back with the rice mixture;
  7. Stir it all through again, and make sure the peas are cooked and de-frosted;
  8. Add a little more soya sauce to make it more salty if you wish.

Ta-Da – finished. How easy is that? My Japanese style, roast pumpkin egg stir-fried rice. Could it be any easier, seriously? We are all tucked into this, babies, adults, and all. Have a crack, and – ENJOY!!!

Japanese Style Rice: ‘sticky rice

Japanese-style rice, also known as “short-grain rice” or “sticky rice,” is a staple food in Japanese cuisine. It is characterized by its slightly sweet taste, sticky texture when cooked, and ability to hold together well, making it suitable for eating with chopsticks. Here’s how Japanese-style rice is typically prepared:



  1. Rinsing the Rice:
    • Measure the desired amount of rice using a rice cooker measuring cup (typically 180 ml or 200 ml, which is smaller than a standard measuring cup).
    • Place the rice in a bowl and wash it under cold water by gently rubbing the grains with your hands. Drain the water, and repeat this process 2-3 times until the water runs clear. This helps remove excess starch from the rice and improves its texture.
  2. Soaking the Rice:
    • After rinsing, let the rice sit in the bowl with water for about 30 minutes. This step helps the rice absorb water evenly and cook more consistently.
  3. Cooking the Rice:
    • Drain the soaking water and transfer the rice to a rice cooker. Add the appropriate amount of fresh water based on the ratio suggested by the rice cooker’s instructions (usually around 1:1 for Japanese rice).
    • Start the rice cooker. It will automatically switch to “keep warm” mode once the rice is done cooking.
  4. Letting the Rice Rest:
    • After the rice cooker indicates that the rice is ready, let it sit with the lid on for about 10-15 minutes. This allows the rice to fully steam and settle.
  5. Fluffing the Rice:
    • Open the rice cooker and use a rice paddle or a wooden spoon to gently fluff the rice, loosening the grains. This helps to release excess steam and improve the texture.
  6. Serving:
    • Japanese-style rice is commonly served as a side dish or as the base for various Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, donburi (rice bowls), and more.
    • Use a wooden rice paddle to serve the rice, and enjoy its slightly sticky and deliciously comforting texture.

Remember that the exact water-to-rice ratio and cooking times might vary slightly depending on the type of rice you’re using and the specific rice cooker. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

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