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Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

ChillaxBBQ; Exquisite 50th Birthday

ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus’ 50th Birthday Celebrations

Another day, another ChillaxBBQ. This time it was a 50th Birthday. I reckon about 60 pax, of which about 10 were kidlets. Mike had chosen us to cater for this auspicious event, his 50th. For that, we thank you, Mike. The ChillaxBBQ crew is honoured to have been part of your celebrations with friends and family. Truly honoured.

We hope you and your guests enjoyed the fare we served up. We did get quite a few verbal recognitions which, of course, keep our spirits high. Thank you. So folks here comes ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus’ 50th.

As this was a monumental occasion ChillaxBBQ splashed out for Mike and we got his own beer label made up for him. When we do a BBQ, we do a BBQ. And we did ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus’ 50th.

ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Mike’s very own beer label for his 50th Birthday. Nice touch!!!
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
It’s beginning to warm up. As in people arriving and the sodding sun was intense today…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
The Beard & Big Bird are back on the tools today after many a ChillaxBBQ apart. Timing has not been our friend of recent events, so it was so so bloody good to have him back today. #knockeditoutthepark
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
2 new things here. ChillaxBBQ does Bloody Marys = #1. And our new serving saucepans is new thing #2. Bloody brilliant to both. These went down a storm, literally went down ha ha…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Just need to spin that around 180 degrees matey!!!
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
3 cooks, 3 servers, and 1 DJ/BarMan/Photographer on the crew today. Fully stocked. Marky Mark 1st time in the new gear. Looking good crew, looking good. Shame, as not one photo of #1 as he was taking the snaps…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
It is a signature dish. The famous ChillaxBBQ slow roast pork belly with apple and Dijon mustard sauce. Winner. Shiok!
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
New servers today. So walking the tiles we had Soph, Jess, and Cass. #1 was a legend today again. Not only bar-tending, photographing, and DJ’ing but serving, washing up, and cooking to boot. Amaze-balls. Great work Son…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Bunning’s Sangas. SideCar Sausages – nicely done gents. Pack after pack after pack of all varieties hits the eagerly awaiting punters this day. So delicious.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Pork Swag. AKA rolled and stuffed pork belly. Some Thyme and Macadamia nuts in there. Rolled, tied, reverse seared, crackled, and cut into bite-sized pieces. A cracking new dish from ChillaxBBQ.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
That’s better! Happy Birthday, Mike. Thank you again from the ChillaxBBQ crew.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Paprika, lime, and honey prawns on the go next. Big Bird cooked up a storm today. So so good to have my brother-in-arms back on the tools with me today.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
The Beard & Marky Mark. It’s all about to kick off… Calm before the…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Here is the Pork Swag now suitably cut up to bite-sized pieces and served in our new frying-pan serving dishes. So flipping cute it’s not funny.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Here are those prawns, all plated up and ready to rock n roll with a few sprinkles of chili flakes to boot.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
4 Tomas today. Great work Big Bird. Stunning. These things flew off the BBQ. At one time in the night, we did 3 in a row, literally in a row. One served, next one charring and so on. Amazing!
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Char that bad boy Big Bird…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
So simple. ChillaxBBQ Tomas. Check the recipe on a blog near you. Keep it simple, it’s all about the meat…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Lamb Popsicles were so very very tasty, but the bloody lamb chops were a nightmare. Not butchered properly so I had to sacrifice my knife and have a couple of massive chunks taken from it to serve up individual chops. Damn it. Won’t be buying those again. Still a wee reverse sear and char, some mint jelly, rosemary, garlic and lemon juice = cracker…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
A new concept again. Thanks to Chris at The Cheese Shop for this idea. And thanks to the lads at The Cheese Truck in the UK. Yep, we plagiarised. Here are our cheese toasties with hot salami. Buttered bread, amazing cheese blend from The Cheese Shop, and stunning hot salami from SideCar. Toasted on the BBQ. Sandwiches to die for. Absolutely brilliant!!!
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Fast turning into a new signature dish is our Tuna Tataki. A stunning dish. Home-made ponzu, seared tuna steak, a little chopped chive, and fish roe. Things of beauty!!!
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
The Alaska Guys did us proud again today. A 5Kg Halibut all the way from Alaska was some top fare. Four monster fillets from this bad boy that we cooked in two ways. One was our four fresh herbs and citrus style, and one was more Asian stylee with black beans and garlic. Here’s the herby, citrus one about to be wrapped in foil and steamed.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
And it’s soon to follow sister, the black bean a garlic version. Again, wrapped in foil and steamed on the BBQ. A stunning dish. #1 called this out as his favourite dish of the night. That means a lot to The Beard.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
The BBQ was intense heat, so about 5 minutes later there is that stunning fish from The Alaska Guys, all plated. A quick squeeze of lemon juice and she is done.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
And here is that absolutely off-the-charts Hali with black bean and garlic sauce. Steamed to perfection. She surely is the prime rib of the sea. A cracking dish. This got a lot of accolades. This will surely be a regular now. To give this an Australian alignment we called this Hali’s Butt. Get it?
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
In full swing now. There is the birthday boy to the left. Love that shirt, Mike. Happy 50th again fella. So many friends and family, you are a lucky guy.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Another satisfied customer. Happy faces all round…
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
Another little stunner from ChillaxBBQ. Our steak sushi with horseradish. Bloody brilliant.
ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus' 50th
More Tataki – different fish roe, and we had run out of chives. The word to use is improvising.

And that was that folks. Guests were still arriving at 2130. We were making steak sandwiches at the end which were off-piste. We had special requests for more of this and more of that. We have a conclave of people next to the serving jump that we were serving individually. It was a cracking effort from the ChillaxBBQ crew today. ChillaxBBQ does Saba Saurus’ 50th was incredible.

Massive thanks to Big Bird, Marky Mark, #1, Soph, Jess, and Cass. Good work ladies and gents. You absolutely rocked. It was indeed a #knockedoutofthepark experience. Mike, Happy Birthday again my friend. Thank you so much for choosing ChillaxBBQ for your party.

It was an honour to serve and to meet all your amazing family and friends. Folks if you like what you see, we are only a phone call/email away for you to also be able to – ENJOY!!!

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