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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Turkish Cuisine in Siglap: Sadly closed in 2023


Turkish Cuisine in Siglap: sadly now gone, a victim of the dread Covid.

Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap
Now that is one good-looking platter of meat, is it not???

Need I say any more – just look at it. This is the meat platter from Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap. Just down the road from where we live luckily, and just across from Siglap South Community Centre where Amy does ballet. Yep, I like that location. So it is actually at 162 Upper East Coast Road. Give them a bell @ 6244 9891 – the owner is a TOP guy. Had a really good chat with him that night.

Now we really got into this. No #1 son this night and we did overorder a tad, as our usual dustbin was not with us. But hey we had this the next day. Double whammy. So Mary and I clearly with eyes bigger than stomachs ordered a few bits and pieces including the beautiful mixed grill platter – loads of shish kebabs, mutton, chicken etc. with that beautiful char flavour, and then BOOM in hit the spices.

Oh boy we like, we like a lot. The best was the far left the lamb/mutton. Oh boy – I kept kissing it.

Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap

Smoked paprika, turning that olive oil red. A little bit of Humus next, please. Loved this with the smoked paprika (I assume…) on top. It is moulded with olive oil giving that beautiful orangey red colouration. And the flavour to match the vibrant colours too.

Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap
Come on – something new to these lips!!!

Simply called Ezme. No not an itchy skin condition. This is something the Semi-naked Chef has never tried so thank you to Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap for that. So what is Ezme I hear you asking? Well it goes like this; fresh tomato, cucumber, onion, green chilli, parsley, and dill – all crushed in to this dipping thing. Only way I can describe it sorry Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap.

Dip away into this heavenly dish. I cannot really describe this one well enough in words. So many flavours that just pop, pop, pop in your gob. It’s an absolute belter. Like those crackles or whatever they were called when I was a kid. Remember, pour them on your tongue and pop, pop, pop. Well this is a culinary version of that. Delicious.

Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap
Torpedoes of meaty goodness

Also known as Icli Kofte, or Kibbeh (so I read). It’s a deep-fried, corny, lamby, torpedo of heaven. Crunchy and chewy on the outside and then you hit the minced lamb on the inside. Not really spicy as in heat, but spicy as in flavour. A little squeeze of lemon juice to add another combination of flavour and your are pretty damn well set. Got to have!!!

Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap
Claimed to be the best desert you’ll ever have…

I even had dessert at Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap. It came as a recommendation, a must-have. And I am so glad I did try it. It’s not a traditional dessert. It’s a savoury one. I cannot tell you the name, but when you want to order dessert just ask for “the best you’ll ever have” because the guys will know what you mean.

It’s a crunchy fried shredded something, packed with melted cheese, topped with crushed pistachio and almonds and served with a drizzle of cream as a moat to the castle. Sounds all a bit strange? I hear you there. But this is SUPERB. You get texture combos going off all over the place and then flavours ping, pong around your gob!!!

So yes readers another recommendation from The Semi-Naked Chef is Turkish Cuisine @ Siglap. You gotta try it. Please have the mixed grill platter and the desert, oh my gosh! I say so! ENJOY!!!

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