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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Fat Cow Japanese Restaurant – Kobe Wagyu


Fat Cow Kobe Wagyu Beef

Father’s Day at Fat Cow for some Incredible Japanese Wagyu

Eating at the Fat Cow Japanese Restaurant is really up there re $$$’s – but holy cow (excuse the pun) is the Japanese Wagyu Beef off the charts at Fat Cow for Father’s Day. My mate Flash had been here a couple of weeks prior and sent a few photos of the meat on offer. It became an, I must try location. So my best bud Ruthers and our gangs booked her up and off we jolly well went. Check this place out. Seriously amazing food – just prepare yourself and save up first.

Fat Cow Japanese Restaurant is in a real weird place, as in it is part of a medical centre. Why on earth there I can hear you asking. It’s exactly the same question I asked myself. Perhaps of you get food poisoning you can just pop next door? Who knows. So the address is 1 Orchard Boulevard, Camden Medical Centre. You will 100% need to book, so get in touch at 6735 0308, or Also prepare yourself to wolf your food down, as they only allow you 1.5 hours per sitting – yep again, reading your minds, how stupid and actually a tad arrogant is that!!!

Let’s now have a looksie at what we ordered this fine day at the Fat Cow Japanese Restaurant for Father’s Day.
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Traditional onsen egg, crispy beef bone marrow, citrus dashi. A cracking f=dish, with sour soup, and crunchy salty beefy marrow. Superb.
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Chargrilled jumbo asparagus, yuzu aioli and Kasuobushi. Sadly I could not try this as covered in Bonito flakes. Apparently though, it was rather good.
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Crab and scallop stuffed Zucchini blossom. I chose this despite knowing I cannot eat it. It looked incredible and got wolfed down. How beautiful is that!
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Here’s the gang, in our little private room. Very noice! Naughty Uncle Steve!
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Yes I was there too. Even Dave the Parrot came with us. Lucky thing!
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
A sashimi selection, including Wagyu sashimi which was insanely good. Like beef butter. Truly amazing. Again, how good does this look. I had some tuna as well and it truly was knockout. Great work!!!
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Up next is the Fat Cow Japanese Restaurant Chef’s choice, seasonal tempura assortment. Really really nice. The batter was incredible, with perfect crunch and no oily residue. Delicious.
Thin udon noodles with hot broth.
Thin udon noodles with hot broth. This was for Jude. Noodles were amazing, seriously home-made stuff this. Beautifully presented again!
Kobi Wagyu
Here comes the stars of the show. 1st up is the Fat Cow Japanese Restaurant Kobe Wagyu – priced at $165 a serving, you bloody hope it’s going to be goof right. And it did not disappoint. A truly wonderful piece of meat – we got two of these, one for the medium rare end of the table, and one well done for Mary’s end of the table.
Tochigi 300 Rib Eye
But then came this. This was the OMG moment. Angels were indeed a singing. This was the star of the show!!! Best bloody steak ever. Perfectly cooked at medium rare. Check that marbling. Just dip in some sea salt and chuck it in your gob. Absolutely a wonderful steak – again though this is priced at $310 alone so you would truly hope. It’s just amazing – this is Japanese Tochigi 300 Rib Eye. BOOM!!! Tochigi is a prefecture just North of Tokyo, by the way!
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Seriously check this out. It’s stunning to look at and to eat. Wow!!!
Wagyu masters
I love seeing stuff like this outside restaurants. We need Miz back with us to help translate, but clearly it is saying something like Wagyu masters….
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
Yes yes yes – I love it!! This is explaining that Japanese Kobe beef is the best beef in the world.
Fathers Day Kenno
Daddy is happy!!! And with my new glasses ha ha! Off we go in a maxi-cab to the beach and Mad Georges to meet our other mates – Luke and Caroline for more extended father’s day loving!
Fat Cow, Japanese Restaurant for Father's Day
The lovely Stacy also arrived from the airport. We’re complete now!
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father’s Day with my family, our amazing mates and their families. Wonderful!
West Ham Fan through and through
We even had bubbles courtesy of our Jude. How wonderful!
Jude Jude Jazz
Looks like he’s about to burst out with some cool jazz song on the Saxophone!

Father’s Day was just incredible. But Price was $$$, but 5* rating. Superb day with my family and our friends and their family. An absolute cracker that won’t be forgotten. Thanks for my wonderful gifts too, to my wifey and beautiful kids. It was such a lovely lovely day. Thank you. Get yourself to Fat Cow, save some cash, spend big and I absolutely guarantee on this one that you will indeed.


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