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Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

ChillaxBBQ Tomahawk Recipe: Best Steak in Town (2023)

ChillaxBBQ Tomahawk Recipe: the hallowed ground of Tomas

The crew at ChillaxBBQ prides itself on our steaks. We think we cook them to perfection, and actually, perfection can be quite simple. So this is us giving you the secrets of our Tomahawk Recipe: ChillaxBBQ Tomas. We hate Sous Vide so we reverse sear, a new concept we have been practising since starting XChillaxBBQ as a concept. In fact, you can apply this methodology to all BBQ food. Hey, you don’t want to poison anyone with raw chicken or pork right? Well, we assume so. So reverse searing is a great way to slow-cook your marinated food prior to charring it up on the coals.

And this is what you will get if you follow our simple recipe for ChillaxBBQ Tomas – hallowed ground.

ChillaxBBQ Tomas : tomahawk recipe

So this is the Tomas steak after it has cooked at 90 degrees for 2 hours, and rested for about an hour. Now on to the coals to warm it through and char the outside for that smoky BBQ taste.

ChillaxBBQ Tomas - hallowed ground

Perfect medium rare every single time. No need for guessing, just follow the Tomahawk Recipe for the perfect steak every time, again and again.

ChillaxBBQ Tomas - hallowed ground - tomahawk recipe
The same process for
Wagyu steaks – maybe only an hour on the reverse sear depending on the thickness of the steak. Again perfect medium rare. Winner!

ChillaxBBQ Tomas - hallowed ground - tomahawk recipe

Another toma, another BBQ, another winner!!!

ChillaxBBQ Tomas - hallowed ground
Look how juicy that is. You really cannot go wrong. Stunning steaks every time.

Here we go, folks. Secrets coming out now. This is how to cook ChillaxBBQ Tomas: the perfect Tomahawk Recipe:

  1. Buy a big thick Tomahawk steak;
  2. I have a special tool that stabs the meat so your seasoning gets in – you can buy these at ToTT;
  3. So using that give the meat a good stabbing all over – as in all over;
  4. Drizzle over Olive oil – as in all over;
  5. Give the whole steak a good dousing in sea salt flakes – quite a lot guys;
  6. Give the whole steak a good dousing with Kampot cracked black pepper (best pepper on the planet – makes a MAJOR difference – you can buy online or just pop over to Cambodia);
  7. Pop that in an oven for 2 hours at 90 degrees;
  8. Rest for an hour;
  9. BBQ until it is blackening and charred;
  10. Slice it thinly and again give it a good sprinkle of sea salt and cracked black pepper.

There you have it my lovelies. One of our best-kept secrets. ChillaxBBQ Tomas – hallowed ground. A perfectly cooked medium rare Toma every single time. No Sous Vide, boil-in-the-bag needed thank you. It’s the perfect way to cook steak, and we get a lot of accolades from our customers to prove that. So have a go, or just call the crew and we’d be delighted to cook for you, and guarantee you will – ENJOY!!!

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