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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Beef and Cheese Tortillas


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire


Beef and Cheese Tortillas

Superb snack for the kids (and big kids hence it going to bloke’s category), that takes literally 5 minutes to make. This is really really easy. So come on blokes/Dads get your apron on and get cooking Beef and cheese tortillas for your kids, they’ll love you for it.

Beef and cheese tortillas
Come on the look pretty damn good right, AKA restaurant quality

This idea for Beef and cheese tortillas came to me one day when Amy wanted something to eat, URGENTLY. We had not long ago been to the restaurant,Viva Mexico, so I got all creative like with a tortilla concept, from what she ate at the restaurant, namely her cheese quesadillas.

This will easily feed three or four as a starter as it will make 16 triangles of tasty goodness;

  • 2 flour tortillas – I used garlic flavoured;
  • A packet of shabu shabu beef – that I then chopped roughly, almost mince like;
  • 1/2 finely chopped red onion;
  • 1 roughly chopped garlic clove;
  • A good pinch of sea salt and cracked black pepper;
  • Grated cheese, any will do – but I used cheddar and mozzarella; and
  • Olive oil.
  1. In a pan fry off the meat, garlic, onion in some Olive oil and throw in a pinch of salt and pepper. This will cook very fast as the meat is so thin;
  2. When cooked through and before it burns, get it off the heat and transfer to a small plate;
  3. Take a kitchen towel and wipe the pan clean of excess oil;
  4. Drizzle a little oil back in the pan, lay down one tortilla;
  5. Sprinkle over the meat mixture evenly;
  6. Then sprinkle the cheese on top, again evenly, but not too close to the edge to avoid it leaking out everywhere;
  7. Place the second tortilla on top;
  8. On the heat and fry the lower tortilla until it starts to brown (NOT burn) – this will be nice and crispy;
  9. Using a couple of spatulas flip it over and repeat the same process. Again browned not burnt and nice and crispy;
  10. Off the heat to chopping board, taking the biggest sharp knife you have, cut in quarters, then cut the quarters again;
  11. Hey presto 8 little quesadillas, or Beef and cheese tortillas, almost ‘Philly cheese sandwich‘ in style.

Now you can mess about with this recipe as you see fit. You could have just cheese, or cheese and onion, cheese and chilli, ham and cheese, etc. Follow the steps above, but just change the filling – believe me all will love it, and it will take 5-10 minutes including your prep. It is just so flipping easy to make these Beef and cheese tortillas.



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