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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Corn’d Beef Pizza (yes yes usual emergency for dinner on a Sunday)

No diatribe this time.


Just the usual fun and frolics on a Sunday, that entailed some beach fun (see http://www.ninakennett.com for that update), and then on to “the local” at Lagoon Hawker. It always reaches that time. The kids are happily playing, or sharing iPADS etc. The adults are gassing and having fun over some cold refreshments at very reasonable prices it has to be said. Today was no different, apart from it being Pia and Steve’s 13th Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary to you both, out great friends. Happy Days.

Steve I looked it up – it is LACE. No not MACE, I said lace. A lovely afternoon with you once we finally left the beach, thank you for sharing it with us. But as stated more of that on other pages. This is about food.

And food that needed to be done as the munchkins were in shower mode, and to be honest with not a lot on the shelves. A serious mother Hubbard moment. It was indeed bare.

Easy thing is pizza creation time. Mary and the kids really enjoyed this one. Great flavour balance, with pops of the different toppings hitting you at every minute. Real nice.

No recipe per se, it is more about the layers. So if you are OK I will start and finish as thus.

You will need (for a HEAPED mother of a pizza) for easily enough for 4;

  • In your pizza baking tin add one frozen pizza base,
  • Bash on your oven to 250,
  • On to the pizza base spoon on and smooth over to equal spread a tin of sweetcorn concentrate soup,
  • 3 shallots that you have peeled, sliced finely. Sprinkle over the sweetcorn concentrate evenly,
  • I did a good squeeze of smoky garlic paste all over then,
  • A good sprinkle of salt all over,
  • Now here you could add circa half a tin of sweetcorn kernels or not – it is indeed your choice. We did and it was ACE,
  • Take a tin of corned beef (yes where Ollie’s name for this came from – Corn’d Beef – get it…?) – cube it and again sprinkle all over,
  • Take one of those packets of ‘pizza cheese’ or grate your own cheddar, mozzarella and parmesan – sprinkle about half the packet over the toppings,
  • Take a tin of Chicken Hot Dogs, grab about 4 of them and slice them finely, then sprinkle over the cheese layer,
  • Then take the rest of the packet of cheese mix and whack that on top. Try to cover the whole pizza base to avoid burning.

That is it.

Come on that must have taken what 10 minutes. Just making layers.

In the oven for about 25 minutes at 250, until cheese is melted, and cheese is browned.


Woo Hoo – enjoy!!!

It was pretty damn good I have to say.

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