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Best Cajun Salmon Recipe: So Simple So Delicious


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Best Cajun Salmon Recipe

Cajun Salmon Recipe / The Best You’ll Cook: I have stolen this from my mate, and ex Chef, Rich. Well, actually he did share it with me. I was at a loose end tonight re what to do for dinner and add to that, that the Kennett’s are disappearing to Cambodia tomorrow. Luckily the little light bulb popped up and I remember Rich’s recipe for Cajun Salmon.

The wife would love it I thought. It turned out to be an absolute belter. Surprising myself, as always, when cooking fish as I cannot taste it. I think it looks bloody amazing and Mary said it tasted just the same.

Best Cajun Salman Recipe

I think that looks absolutely amazing for a fish dish! This is enough Best Cajun Salmon Recipe ingredients for one person

  • A jar of Cajun spice rub,
  • 1 Lemon,
  • 1 packet of fresh coriander,
  • Some vine tomatoes,
  • Sea salt & cracked black pepper, and
  • A jar of chili flakes for plating.

Now to the cooking element of this Best Cajun Salmon Recipe

  1. Lay out some silver foil and lay the fish fillet into the middle;
  2. Drizzle it with some good Olive oil;
  3. Sprinkle over a good layer of Cajun rub on the flesh side of the fillet;
  4. Sprinkle with salt & pepper;
  5. Squeeze half the lemon over the fish;
  6. Layer the coriander over the flesh side of the fish;
  7. Wrap over the silver foil to make a steam room for the fish; and
  8. Pop that in the oven on 200 for about 20-30 minutes. Make sure it is cooked through nicely – serve.

I also roasted some vine tomatoes. Just drizzle them with some Olive oil, and sprinkle with sea salt and cracked black Kampot pepper. I used the remaining lemon to give a final squeeze over the top of the fish when plated and to create some wedges for additional sourness if the diner wished.


Finally, I sprinkled some chili flakes on top of the fish for some color. There you have it, my version of Rich’s Best Cajun Salmon Recipe. It is a cracker: ENJOY!!!

What is Cajun Cooking?

Originally from Louisiana in the United States, cajun cuisine draws significantly from the French, African, and Native American cultures that once inhabited the region. The use of numerous herbs and spices, as well as meats and seafood, is a distinctive feature of Cajun cuisine, which is renowned for its strong, spicy, and complicated flavors.

The “holy trinity” of onions, celery, and green peppers, which is comparable to the French mirepoix, is one of the essential components in Cajun cuisine. Many Cajun recipes, such as gumbo, jambalaya, and étouffée, use this aromatic base. In addition to these, garlic, thyme, paprika, chili pepper, and bay leaves are frequently used in Cajun cuisine.

Seafood is a staple of Cajun cooking, especially shrimp, crabs, and catfish. These components are frequently found in dishes like gumbo, rice, seafood, and vegetable stew. Another well-known Cajun dish that is prepared with rice, vegetables, meat or seafood, and is comparable to paella is called jambalaya.

Additionally, meats are a big part of Cajun cuisine, especially sausage, and pig. In Cajun cuisine, andouille sausage is a common ingredient that appears in recipes like gumbo and jambalaya. In addition to these, poultry, beef, and game meats like alligator and venison are frequently used in Cajun cuisine.

Cajun cuisine has a long and interesting history, and it has changed over time to integrate a variety of cultural influences. In the present day, many restaurants and chefs in the United States still focus on distinctive and flavorful Cajun food. And this little Cajun Salmon Recipe I have shared with you today is one such example.

People Also Asked About Cajun Salmon Recipes

Question NumberQuestionAnswer
1.What is Cajun seasoning made of?Cajun seasoning typically includes ingredients like paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, and more.
2.Can I make a homemade Cajun spice blend?Yes, you can create your own Cajun spice blend using common spices like paprika, thyme, oregano, and cayenne pepper.
3.How do I make Cajun salmon on the grill?To grill Cajun salmon, coat the fillets with Cajun seasoning, then grill over medium-high heat until done, usually about 4-6 minutes per side.
4.What sides go well with Cajun salmon?Popular sides for Cajun salmon include rice, roasted vegetables, coleslaw, or a fresh green salad.
5.Can I use skin-on salmon for Cajun recipes?Yes, you can use skin-on salmon for added flavor and texture in your Cajun salmon recipes.
6.Are there any Cajun salmon air fryer recipes?Yes, you can find Cajun salmon recipes for the air fryer, which results in crispy and flavorful salmon.
7.How do I make creamy Cajun sauce for salmon?Creamy Cajun sauce is made with ingredients like cream, Cajun seasoning, garlic, and herbs. Simmer and pour it over cooked salmon.
8.What’s the difference between blackened salmon and Cajun salmon?Blackened salmon is coated with a spice mix and cooked over high heat, while Cajun salmon often features a saucier preparation with Cajun flavors.
9.Can I marinate salmon in Cajun seasoning?Yes, marinating salmon in Cajun seasoning before cooking enhances its flavor and adds a spicy kick.
10.Are there any Cajun salmon pasta recipes?Yes, you can find Cajun salmon pasta recipes that combine the flavors of Cajun seasoning with creamy pasta sauces for a delightful meal.

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