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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

SpruceFireStation at Upper Bukit Timah Road: Best Bistro Food 2023


SpruceFireStation – Upper Bukit Timah Road

SpruceFireStation: Yet more exploring for the family which, in turn, leads to more food adventures. And today is no exception. We were off, for the 1st time, to explore Bukit Batok Nature Reserve (have a look on for that experience) or as Jude Jude and I renamed it Boutique Buttocks.

As this was so far away and almost needed a passport for us, I thought it best to book ahead. I saw SpruceFireStation – Upper Bukit Timah Road which was just across the road from the nature reserve. Perfect. And, it used to be a fire station – how cool is that?

Sadly though this was 1st and last experience as they had to vacate this location in a week. But one of the lovely servers spoke to us as we left to ask if we were regulars and advised us that they have two other locations – so perhaps we’ll explore one of the next.

Spruce@HillV2; 4 Hillview Rise, 667979. Tel: 9759 5790

Spruce@PhoenixPark; 320 Tanglin Road, 247980. Tel: 8168 7127

Let’s have a little word or two from them 1st;

“Spruce is a Singapore brand that has had a strong foothold on the local F&B scene ever since our inception in 2009. Proud to have amassed a steady following throughout the decade, the Spruce name is synonymous with bona fide burgers, brunch favourites, and an impressive collection of wine, whiskey, cognac, beer, and cocktails.

Our trio of destination venues each exudes a different atmosphere. Be surrounded by nature and tranquillity in the scenic Spruce@Phoenix Park, or immerse yourself in the history of Spruce@Fire Station, alternatively, Spruce@HillV2 offers dining in a suburban shopping mall.

Whatever ambiance you may be seeking, Spruce is the go-to place for a wonderful meal and chill-out drinking session. Come on over for the Spruce experience today!”


I have to say the food was really really good. Nothing flash or fancy, just absolutely bloody good. We’d absolutely plan to go back to one of the above, just not SpruceFireStation. Really delicious and fresh food. Loved it. perfect ‘fill us up’ lunch ahead of our walking expedition to follow.

Every one of us really enjoyed our chosen dishes today. Great work Spruce – some bog critics in the Kennett family guys. And the location & place itself was brilliant. Sad it’s going.

Let’s have a look-see, shall we?

Spruce Restaurant

The gang is about to enter – this is the ‘back side’ of the place, the old fire station doors are on the front. It really is a cool space.

Spruce@FireStation - Upper Bukit Timah Road

BOOM! Best seats in the house. Just next to Wifey’s head in the snap is where we are off to walk the start of the Nature Reserve after our lunch. Bring it on Spruce!!!

Spruce@FireStation - Upper Bukit Timah Road

Such a shame this place is going as this really is a cool space. I really do like this. As you can see from the doors, very likely that this was a 3x engine fire station back in the day.

Spruce@FireStation - Upper Bukit Timah Road

Strawberry Blonde up 1st with her Pulled Pork Benny. Yep, a clever twist on Eggs Benedict with a number of different versions as you will see. Looks amazing, apparently delicious so she said.

Jude Jude gets stuck into this rather good Three Cheese Macaroni. I had a wee taste-test of this and it was so very good – bacon bits on top and even some black truffle in the cheese. Oh yes, this is a great version of a mac ‘n’ cheese

Spruce@FireStation - Upper Bukit Timah Road

#1 up next with his Spruce Signature Steak Benny. He raved about this. Perfectly cooked medium-rare steak and seasoned beautifully too he said. Great work Spruce. Plus how good does that look? With a side of bacon of course…

Spruce@FireStation - Upper Bukit Timah Road

My turn now with the Spruce British Breakfast. Funny though as there is nothing British about it. Smoked sausages, not pork bangers. Shitake mushrooms from Japan. And lettuce. If you served lettuce on a British fry up in Margate you would get beaten up, believe me. But, that aside, it was awesome. Maybe just call it Spruce Brexit Breakfast…

Spruce@FireStation - Upper Bukit Timah Road

And check out Wifey’s choice. How beautiful is that? Now the green stuff is absolutely perfect for this dish, just NOT British Breakfast!!! This is a cracker.

This is Danny’s Atomic Egg. Poached egg, foie gras, caviar, and a Balsamic glaze. Well, howdy doodie. So very special for the special lady who demolished it!!! Must have been good.

SpruceFireStation – Upper Bukit Timah Road was ACE. It really is such a shame though to hear of its closing. We really did enjoy this space, the location, and the food. A wonderful lunch. Guess we’ll just have to go exploring another day and try one of those other locations. If you get there I am certain you will also – ENJOY!!!

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