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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups

Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire

Breakfast Cups - Bacon & Eggs

I thought I’d have a go at creating this for breakfast today for three starving kids. It turned out so so simple to make, and when it was cooked so so easy to eat ha ha. What’s great is that the bacon fat drips in to the bread and egg – seriously delicious. So you get a breakfast that you can pick up, finger food and breakfast all in one hand. Here comes my Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups.

As usual you can watch the video (short one) to see how to cook and prep, or I’ll explain below how to make my Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups.

I cooked for 5 and used the following ingredients;

  • 6 eggs;
  • 3 slices of white bread;
  • 6 slices of streaky bacon;
  • 1 handful of finely chopped chives;
  • Salt & cracked black pepper;
  • Olive oil; and if you fancy
  • A sprinkle of Paprika.
  1. Take a muffin tin and grease it a little to non-stick it;
  2. Cut some small circles from the bread – use a glass, and pop these in the muffin tins – 6 in total;
  3. Take a rasher of bacon and wrap it round the outside of the muffin tin, to form the cup – repeat 6 times;
  4. Crack the 6 eggs in to the cups;
  5. Sprinkle with salt & cracked black pepper;
  6. Pop in the oven on 200 degrees for 10 minutes, or until the egg is cooked through and bacon is crispy;
  7. Out of the oven, slip the cups out and sprinkle the chopped chives all over.

You should end up with Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups looking something like the photo below? Did you get to this? Sort of fried bread beneath a breakfast. Delicious.

Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups
I think that looks bloody nice – and you could even take them on a picnic as finger food

So there you have it folks my Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups, very simple to make, and very nice finished breakfast. Have these hot for breakfast, or even pack them in tupperware and take them for a picnic cold, as they are ideal finger food too in their little cups. You will like these I guarantee – ENJOY!!!


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