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Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Black Pudding and Fried Bread Recipe: Best ever 2023


Black Pudding and Fried Bread, are the best bedfellows. Try this recipe when your blood pressure is low.

Am I a good parent? Breakfast on this 16th August, and a decision to not fast-food it, but also not really sure of calorie intake. I just forced it on Mary and my kids. I loved it. They did too. About four years taken off their lives though. It was worth it – this is my Black Pudding and Fried Bread.

Black Pudding and Fried Bread
Heart attack on a plate – but holy shot, so so good!!!

It goes like this enough for four people to have a near-heart attack experience of Black Pudding and Fried Bread.

  • 6 slices of white bread – cut off the crusts and then cut into large cubes,
  • 10 inches or so of black pudding cut into large cubes,
  • 3 teaspoons of finely chopped garlic,
  • 4 good glugs of Tabasco sauce,
  • 1 large knob of butter, and
  • A couple of good glugs of olive oil.

Quick-fire round a coming, here comes my Black Pudding and Fried Bread:

  1. Pan on heat,
  2. Add butter and oil,
  3. Add cubed bread and flash fry until the bread is going golden,
  4. Add everything else and toss, toss, toss as this will burn quickly,
  5. You are cooking this until the black pudding is blackened, the bread should also now be golden brown,
  6. There is an opportunity to add anything to this – tomatoes, egg, sausage and so on,
  7. Plate her up in a pile and chomp on!!!

And that is it. That is my Black Pudding and Fried Bread. It’s killer, literally!!! It’s a die-die must-try, literally. You have to have a crack at this. If you do, I absolutely know you will – ENJOY!!!

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