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Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Scrambled Eggs with Jambon: Best Recipe 2023

Scrambled Eggs with Jambon recipe is a match made in heaven. The perfect bedfellows.

Scrambled Eggs with Jambon: A starving Filipino is not what you want in a small condo. So one day I had to think fast for my Mary, and here’s what I came up with – Scrambled eggs with jambon.

Scrambled eggs with jambon
Hell yes – they look good!!!

She was hungry, and needed food before taking painkillers – this was initially cooked post-Jude – shows you how long this one came out first. Emergency – quick what to do, I know eggs – but let’s make them special… hmm what else is that I see in the fridge, BING!!! Scrambled eggs with jambon.

Here you go – enough for two sharing, and you’ll want to share as these are flipping delicious!!!

  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of double cream; and
  • A pinch of sea salt and cracked black pepper.

Whisk these together until light and airy – basically all mixed together and with bubbles on top. Use a fork or a whisk;

  • 3 slices of Jambon or cured ham, sliced into thin strips;
  • 1 garlic clove finely chopped; and
  • 1 packet of grated cheese – I used white cheddar.
  1. Take a pan, add in a couple of glugs of olive oil, and fry off the garlic and the Jambon until the garlic is softened and the ham is starting to crisp;
  2. Add in the egg mixture and stir it around continually, it will therefore gradually cook;
  3. When it starts to firm up a little add half a cup of cheese and again stir it around until the cheese melts;
  4. Do NOT overcook these, this will literally take a minute or two, so shiny and slightly wobbly, not solid;
  5. Turn off the heat and serve away – maybe with some finely sliced Spring onion on top.

This was absolutely flipping brilliant – one of, if not the best egg dishes I have made to date – without a doubt!!! Scrambled eggs with jambon. But also folks how easy, seriously how easy!!! You should try this one, seriously good and seriously tasty – ENJOY!!!

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