Brian Kennett
Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire
The American Club
It’s the last Friday of the month, and that means it is BeefSteak & Burgundy lunchtime. A gathering of fine fellows who all have a liking of fine dining and drinking. We laugh. We chat. No work talk. No mobile phones. It is an institution that truly is wonderful. Today we dined for lunch at The American Club.
This was my favourite of all the dishes. This mushroom gnocchi was deep, with earthy flavours. The truffle emulsion was silky smooth, and gave that whack of additional vibrance to the dish. Great work The American Club.
So there you go folks, my first experience of The American Club fare. It was OK. It was not a meal that I would say would drag me back to eat there again as a must. It was just OK. The standout was, strangely enough, the vegetarian option. The mushroom gnocchi really was very good. The steak needed some work though, especially as it is the focus of the food journey, hence the name of the club. Thanks to my comrades in arms at the Beefsteak & Burgundy for a superb lunch though. The banter and laughter for the whole lunch is good for the soul.