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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Thai style steaks

Wow this was a cracker indeed.
Wow this was a cracker indeed. Thai style beef – so so very simple and so so flipping delicious.

This really is very easy to do, but the result is exceptional. Salty and sweet.

You’ll need;

  • 1 big rib eye steak – give it a good bash with a tenderising hammer;
  • 3 tablespoons of fish sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar;
  • A very good pinch of salt and black pepper.

Whack all of that in a zip lock bag. Give it a good massage and then it marinade for at least an hour. That’s that. When you’re ready whack that bad boy on the coals and let t cook for about 10 minutes each side until nicely charred but still nice and pink in the middle.

Take it off the coals and cover with some foil and a couple of tea towels and let him rest for about 10 minutes. This will let the juices stay in the meat and also will keep it cooking a little to remove the bloody insides to a nice medium cooked-ness.

I then sliced this in to strips, served it on a platter and topped it with some garlic basil butter. Simply take softened butter, stir in some finely chopped garlic and chopped basil.

Let that butter melt over the meat, and you will have one of the best steak dishes you’ll ever eat.

Man oh man this was absolutely superb!!!

Thai style steaks – Enjoy!!!

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