Brian Kennett
Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire
Cheese and Garlic Bread with a Baked Rice Dish of Sausage, Bacon and Chicken
Did you hear me correctly? Did I actually say; Sausage, bacon & chicken rice bake with cheesy garlic bread. I sure did. I made this today for Sunday dinner for the family. Something I have not done for an age. This is one you simply have to try. It is a ‘die die must try’ in my reckoning. A little bit of fusion with East meets West too. All adds to the mystery.
Amy and I got cracking this Sunday on this recipe. First up was the usual wander around Cold Storage for inspiration and it came at the sauge counter. Amy and I looked at each other and in an instant we had created; Sausage, bacon & chicken rice bake with cheesy garlic bread.
And also today for the sale of doing something different I am only going to use YouTube as the channel. No written words re this recipe, you have to watch to get it. Let me know what you think? Here comes Sausage, bacon & chicken rice bake with cheesy garlic bread. It’s a cracker folks, it is indeed a landmine of flavour about to blow up in your gob. I think you are really going to like this one – ENJOY!!!