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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

A quick Segway of food in Cambodia

Quite amazing what you see on the menus in very nice establishments in Cambodia.

One our last night we ate deep fried – water boatmen, cockroaches, crickets etc.

But on a trip to Friends Restaurant it got a tad freaky actually, both inside and out.

So 1st up let’s get the drinks a flowing please bartender.

This is a belter – pineapple margarita with chill – oh yes, it is just sublime, incredible in fact. I have made this one at home too.

Oh yeah baby, this one will clear the cobwebs, fruitylicious then BOOM chili blast - woo hoo!!!
Oh yeah baby, this one will clear the cobwebs, fruitylicious then BOOM chili blast – woo hoo!!!

What to eat, hmmm what to eat.

I like the look of this Cambodian Beef with lemon grass, shallot, chill, greens and WTF, RED TREE ANTS.

Huh, kidding right? I thought we just messed about eating bugs in the market, or the deep fired version with a beer.

But nope it’s true, it was real, I ordered it and it arrived and it was bloody delicious (although have to say beef was a tad chewy).

Beef with ants e1408370107250 A quick Segway of food in Cambodia

Doesn’t it look lovely.

Vibrant colours, beefy goodness, deep rich gravy etc.

Let’s have a wee zoom in…

“Excuse me waiter there seems to be an ant in my dinner…!!!”

Beef with ants Version 2 e1408370186429 A quick Segway of food in Cambodia

Let’s zoom a little closer…

OK this comes with a PG rating.

Yep I ate these little critters – funny thing is the usual “tastes like chicken“, did not apply. They actually taste of lemon grass. So don’t eat with your eyes, give it a go, actually quite pleasant. Downer for me was the legs, as VERY stiff and very get in you teethy – not a favourite of mine.

But hey as they are ants, if you ordered this at Christmas all the family could have a leg for once – Boom Boom!!!

 Yucks!!! I very much doubt you would see in the film the following line "Please Sir could I have some more..."

I very much doubt you would see in the film the following line “Please Sir could I have some more…”

So full up on ants and margarita it was time to leave.

Hey we forgot dessert – but luckily on hand nearby was dessert, and delicious it was too…

Snake on a bloody stick, GENIUS!!!
Snake on a bloody stick, GENIUS!!!

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