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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do the best pizzas now 4 you…


If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas: was a rhetorical question that became a reality at one of our events. We bought a pizza oven to push ourselves once more…

So, I am always looking to push the ChillaxBBQ envelope to the next extreme. Recently we have been given the chance to take that up a notch with our first kid’s birthday BBQ. Our customer is 4 years old and likes jellyfish. Holy cow what to do? With the client’s Mum, Claire, I agreed to try to do a seaside food diorama.

A diorama that you can eat pretty much everything of. But also to keep the wee ones entertained how about we do a ‘make your own starfish pizza‘? Claire, the Mum, loved this idea. So for kicks, I started the: If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now…

Being the ultimate professionals that ChillaxBBQ are, we agreed that we needed a few beers on Labor Day. Sorry scratch that, we agreed that we needed to test our new piece of ChillaxBBQ kit. Our new baby. A fully portable, wood chip-fired pizza oven. How will this go? Hmmm, read on. I think you are going to like it. Here comes If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now…

Firstly do excuse there only being Big Bird in the shots, along with his gorgeous squeeze. But The Beard was on photography duty today. I did knock out a couple of pizzas though. Holy moly I love our new toy. This is yet another game-changer for ChillaxBBQ. Let’s have a look at how our pizzas turned out.

If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now...
A bit like a Meccano set. Thank goodness Big Bird and I had Stacy on point to read the manual and get us on track. We’d have ended up building a dishwasher or something.
If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now...
Big Bird and Stacy look proud (and a little sweaty). Er, she’s not finished yet, guys!!!!
If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now...
Now she is. In go the little hardwood pellets with one fire starter to get it going. One firing you top up with more pellets in the little hopper and in now more than 5-10 minutes you have an oven that is packing out 4-500 degrees. I kid you not.
If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now...
We were very excited to get a pizza in and test her out. Seriously this little thing was creating its very own heat haze. If you want some liposuction, just lean your gut or butt against that exhaust pipe and you’ll easily lose a few layers of skin and fat. This little girl is literally chucking out nearly 500 degrees of heat from that little hopper of hardwood pellets. She is amaze-balls. Wait a minute where is Big Bird…?
If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now...
He just couldn’t wait, could he? In goes our very first pizza into the brand-new pizza oven. Great work on the homemade pizza dough Big Bird. Absolutely superb work. Now, wait for this. 2-3 minutes later, a crispy, charred, perfectly cooked pizza came out. In 2-3 minutes only, we were blown away. She surely packs a mighty punch.
If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now...
The first attempt was a cracker. Believe me when I say that the smell of this, as it comes out, is off the charts. As good, if not better, than a pizza parlor. Perfectly cooked. Pizza base to die for. Thin and crispy, puffed around the edges, with perfectly cooked toppings. All in two minutes, New toy, we love you.
If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now...
And pizza number two we got the kids to make their own. This is a half-half. one with cheese and one without. Again check that crisp base, and puffed crispy outer edges. Both the boys were VERY happy with their hand-made pizzas, and both said they tasted delicious. Job done, ChillaxBBQ boys strike again.

So there you have it folks some insights into If ChillaxBBQ did pizzas. Hold on, we do now… We did it. We baptized our new toy, and boy did she perform well. Pocket Rocket is the name I have given her, ahead of Big Bird agreeing. Can always change the blog. But I feel that is very fitting for something so small to pack such a punch. 2-minute pizzas.

WOW. And 2-minute pizzas that taste as good, if not better than any I have had before. Stunning. Do you know what you need to do if you want some (We give you carte blanche to choose toppings), just give us a call. You are guaranteed to – ENJOY!!!

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