Christmas Day Meal
25th December is here again, can you believe it?
Truly it seems like only yesterday that Jude was only one month old – well now he is 13 months old, and was running around and saying hi to everyone and dancing to the choice music the resident DJ, Steve Rutherford was cranking out.
We decided we would double up for the party and have people come over for a late luncheon/dinner. In the end we had about 18 or so people to eat, and boy we do hope they ate well. The food did look amazing – but there was so much of it though ha ha.
Some firsts for me as I have never ever cooked a turkey – quite a worrying one that, as you do hear of disasters. For Steve he had never cooked a ham. I think both turned out very delicious.
Pia did amazing Nordic canapés on homemade blinis – Swedish prawns with fish roe. She also knocked out amazing little pork sandwiches, of delicious pork fillet between slices of apple – how clever is that. Breads, salads, red cabbages etc. The list continues.
Everyone else was then encouraged to bring a mystery dish – now this was fun as the attendees were made up of; English, Finnish, Australian, Indian, Singaporean, Japanese, Filipino, American, and Chinese – you can kind of imagine the variety. I will be trying to home cure some salmon, having been explained how to do that – watch the blog for that dish soon hopefully. I didn’t eat any of course, but the kids and Mary all said how absolutely gorgeous it was. 3 long tables full of food that I am pretty certain will be lasting us all the next 2 days or so.
What a lovely day!
What did yours truly cook? Here we go – no recipes per-se. More descriptive.
De-constructed and Re-constructed Avocado Salsa Salad