is life a recipe

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So I had this roast pork left over from Christmas, and I had some caviar (well salmon roe to be honest) in a jar that I was going to use the fay before on those mussels, but it didn’t seem appropriate – so whilst waiting for another dish to cook through for lunch today I came up with this.

IMG 8029 e1419663534752 Roast pork & caviar
salmon roe caviar with roast pork, but how nice does that look?” width=”760″ height=”506″ /> Yeah my friends it is indeed salmon roe caviar with roast pork, but how nice does that look?

It was simply a pork fillet that the previous day had been roasted with a capsicum and black pepper corn rub all over. Today then it simply goes in the oven for a quick warm through and final toasting of the rub – slightly blackened to give it some nice charcoal flavours – this took 10 minutes on 240.

Slice this thinly and let it cool down.

Then I simply cubed it as you can see and popped 8-10 pieces in to a serving spoon. The carefully placed a teaspoon or so of salmon roe, or poor man’s caviar on top and hey presto – apparently a wonderful starter for our lunch today.

Damn I wished I liked seafood – one day I can eat some of the stuff I throw out the kitchen!!!


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