Brian Kennett
Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire
Roasted bone marrow and peaches
I bet you are thinking; “What is he on today? He’s cooking roasted bone marrow and peaches.” I appreciate that this could sound rather a tad strange as a combination, but believe me these are perfect bed fellows. Read on my friends.
This is actually quite an easy dish to make, and is seriously, seriously amazing on flavour. You simply have to try my roasted bone marrow and peaches. However bone marrow can challenge certain pallets, as it is a tad textural, of course you scrape it from the inside of a bone. So who’d think to eat the inside bits of a bone, that are all jelly like? But, believe me, once you try it you will be hooked my friends. Of that I am certain. But why the peaches as well? The bone marrow is deep intense beef flavour, and fatty to boot, so the peaches and the acidity cut through that. It’s incredible actually.
Here cometh my roasted bone marrow and peaches;
- Take 4 fresh peaches, de-stone and cut in to slices;
- Lay the slices on a baking tray and drizzle with oil, and sprinkle with some sea salt and cracked black pepper;
- Turn on your oven to 220 and throw these puppies in there for about 20 minutes until they are roasted and slightly browned. Set these aside
- In parallel to the above go to your butcher and get some good bone marrow bones. Basically long bones, with a hole down the middle that he can cut in half;
- Lay these on a baking tray and drizzle with some oil and a sprinkle of sea salt and cracked black pepper; and
- In to the same oven for the 20 or so minutes until the marrow has turned opaque, as that is also cooked now.
That’s that, you have made my roasted bone marrow and peaches. Take a serving platter, lay the bones down and then arrange the peaches in front. This is a match made in heaven – truly. They are so delicious together. I think they look damned fine too.