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Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s

Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s

It’s a Christmas favourite is this event. Then your liver wakes up and remembers last year and says WTF are you doing. You, idiot? This is a full-on culinary and beverage experience for all ages. It just flows and flows. Our BFF’s do tend to host the most amaze-balls parties you want to be in the mix for, never want to leave, and when you wake the next day you wish you have never existed before on the planet. Yeah, they are good. What starts as a harmless wee WhatsApp group becomes Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s. Let’s have a wee look, shall we?

A picture paints 1,000 words they say. So how many words do 1,000 pictures paint? Let’s see @ Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s.

Xmas table decorations
Seriously, how amazing is that place-setting. Incredible. Despite the 32 degrees temperature it really is… beginning to look a lot like…
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Even the kidlets have this rather special area just for them next to the pool and the ‘West Wing’ haha. Lucky buggers.
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Kidlets up 1st for dinner with a rather scrumptious spag bol. Hell yeah! Nice work Chef Knibbs.
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Shitty blurry picture, but… Here is my starter. This is a medium-rare Toma, stuffed with Iberico Chorizo. And what did I serve that with? Holy shit, only a three-cheese fondue with Thyme and Rosemary. I shit you not! BOOM!!!
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
The job is done! It caused a gathering. Come on the ’70s. Nothing like a fondue at a party. Next just to swap keys, have some LSD and we’re off and running. Weeeeeeeeee. Mind you if you look at some of the photos coming up, who needs LSD?
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Wifey and C having a forking dual to get to the cheese!!!
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Chef Knibbs is up next with this beautiful dish. Porchetta, pig in blankets, peas with Pancetta, mashed Maris Piper spuds (or is that Marisa Piper?) with a delicious tart jus. Yummo!!!
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
The gang that attended this wonderful dining and entertainment experience today. Do you think there are a few red noses tonight? You should see this lot tomorrow morning.
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Oh yeah, I also did my kid’s dessert. Roasted marshmallows, drizzled with melted-down gummy worms. SUGAR-HIGH!!!
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds… And so it has begun.
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Of course. It’s blow-up ballerina charades at the Knibbsy’s. Er, and your problem with that is? Goes well with my painted toe nails actually!
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
They even Big-Foot sizes. And he knocked it out of thepark by the way. The boys won hands-down even with the girls having one extra go for 2 minutes. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS…
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Future state Strawberry Blonde? Oh my, a look to the future. Jude is puking it already. Well, it is the first time she has worn a dress for a while, so there is a positive!
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
“Where did I leave my six-pack?” says Luke. Buried in there somewhere mate. And he ain’t talking muscle, he’s talking his Tequila shots
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
“Right, that is it. I have had enough and I am now officially hobbling home. If I can’t do my points work with this HUGE flip-flop I am wearing, I am doing nothing in this ridiculous outfit!” says C
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Knibbsy. Our host. AKA a blow-up doll with too much deodorant on!
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
“So at Salesforce we have this amazing circle of influence strategy. We just stand like this and pretend we have a ball of power. We then take that ball of power and impact each other. It’s an amazing virtual ball of power that you can’t see. What do you think of it? Oh, sorry are we playing charades?” said Ali
Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy's
Even Mum gets in and goes. I think this charade was New York. “Hey I’m walking here!!!” said Mum.

And that was that. Family Kennett had to leave Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s. We had a massive wedding party starting at 11 am the very next morning so we had to take the kidlets home. Well, that was at gone midnight so actually quite bad parents it has to be said. I was up early and corralling the troops at a rather early hour. Still feeling like I was wearing the blow-up suit it has to be said. To our mates Marisa and David – Knibbsy’s thank you so much for the food, fun, and frolics. Awesome party. We surely did – ENJOY!!!

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