Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s
It’s a Christmas favourite is this event. Then your liver wakes up and remembers last year and says WTF are you doing. You, idiot? This is a full-on culinary and beverage experience for all ages. It just flows and flows. Our BFF’s do tend to host the most amaze-balls parties you want to be in the mix for, never want to leave, and when you wake the next day you wish you have never existed before on the planet. Yeah, they are good. What starts as a harmless wee WhatsApp group becomes Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s. Let’s have a wee look, shall we?
A picture paints 1,000 words they say. So how many words do 1,000 pictures paint? Let’s see @ Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s.

And that was that. Family Kennett had to leave Pre Xmas Dinner @ The Knibbsy’s. We had a massive wedding party starting at 11 am the very next morning so we had to take the kidlets home. Well, that was at gone midnight so actually quite bad parents it has to be said. I was up early and corralling the troops at a rather early hour. Still feeling like I was wearing the blow-up suit it has to be said. To our mates Marisa and David – Knibbsy’s thank you so much for the food, fun, and frolics. Awesome party. We surely did – ENJOY!!!
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