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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Dragon Chamber | Singapore

Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Foodie Extraordinaire

Jude's 8th Birthday

Dragon Chamber | Singapore

The wee man turns EIGHT today. I can’t quite believe it actually. When they say time flies, it really does feel like that is happening sometimes.


Dragon Chamber
Jude’s 8th Birthday | Dragon Chamber | Singapore

We had a lazy morning opening presents and then playing with the presents. A wonderful lunch chosen by the main man at Dragon Chamber, Party Bus booked to get there (1st time ever I reckon they have had the Russian National Anthem played as a music choice by an 8-year-old), back home to watch a film and continue playing and then Mum off to work so Dad and BFF go to hawker for fun with the presents and a rather delicious Wagyu Pho Bo at LTN.

We were so lucky to go as a family and sit as a FIVE for his birthday this year. It really does make all the difference.

Give these guys a call and get booked up – super-popular and just brilliant restaurant;

Menu: thedragonchamber.com

Phone: 6950 0015

Reservation: thedragonchamber.com

This really is one to visit. Jude Jude chose it – clearly as this is 2nd birthday lunch in a row at his personal choice – and we as a family love it.

Yes watch the video to see the food, the review is buried in there somewhere.


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