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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Amy and my little gardening project

Amy and my little gardening project

As all chefs and cooks say, using fresh ingredients is absolutely the best way to go.

How much fresher could they be than those grown on your own balcony thought I – so Amy and I are now in charge of our small-holding. OK OK when I say small-holding I actually mean 6 small silver trays on top of a styro-phome box on my balcony. But hey come on you have to start somewhere.

I’ll keep updating our growth progress – but this is after just two days – yep TWO days…

I can see the balcony getting overrun with HUGE veggies and herbs!!!

Here is No 1 daughter sat in from of the small holding. A couple of beautiful flower boxes a coming - yes I am thinking flowers for food decoration. Some lemon balm, some park choi and some Chinese spinach. From the field to the table my friends.
Here is No 1 daughter sat in from of the small holding. A couple of beautiful flower boxes a coming – yes I am thinking flowers for food decoration. Some lemon balm, some pak choi, some Chinese spinach and some capsicum inferno. From the field to the table my friends.

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Here comes my Chinese parsley. Not far behind my Pak Choi.
Here comes my Chinese parsley. Not far behind my Pak Choi. Grows so so fast here in Singapore.
And here is the flowers coming up nicely. In good old fashioned Oasis style - this flower is called Morning Glory. So what's the story???
And here are some of Amy’s flowers coming up nicely. In good old fashioned Oasis style – this flower is called Morning Glory. So what’s the story???
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