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Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

Ice Bath Club Review: best spa on Tanjong Katong? It’s Brrrrrrilliant!!!


Picture of Brian Kennett

Brian Kennett

Amateur Chef and Boozy Traveling Foodie Extraordinaire

The Ice Bath Club Review: Singapore is hot, like really f@cking HOT!!!. Not just in the trendy, cosmopolitan way, but in the “it-feels-like-a-sauna-out-here” kind of way, and it’s super-humid to boot. Enter The Ice Bath ClubSingapore‘s latest and greatest way to beat the heat, located in the heart of Tanjong Katong

Opening its doors in 2024, this place is about to take your wellness routine from zero to subzero, all while having a chill time (pun intended – OMG so many puns in here…).

If you think ice baths are reserved for athletes nursing injuries or slightly crazy individuals on Instagram doing “extreme ice baths,” think again! The Ice Bath Club is here to make cold therapy trendy, accessible, and—believe it or not—fun, as you will read in The Ice Bath Club Review

Let’s dive into the icy depths of our The Ice Bath Club Review and see what this frosty new venue has to offer. I am cringing at the puns, they’re so good!!!

the ice bath club review

What’s the Deal with Ice Baths Anyway?

The Vibe: Cooler Than Your Average Spa

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of The Ice Bath Club’s swanky new opening, let’s talk about why on earth someone would voluntarily dunk themselves into freezing cold water as part of The Ice Bath Club Review

The short answer? Health benefits galore! Ice baths, also known as cold-water immersion therapy, are said to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, boost mood, and even support fat loss: that’s it, I’m getting membership. 

Touted by everyone from professional athletes to wellness influencers, ice baths are no longer just a hardcore post-workout recovery technique. They’ve gone mainstream, and The Ice Bath Club Review is ready to show how they are capitalizing on this chilly trend with style.

Walking into The Ice Bath Club feels like stepping into a chic wellness haven in New York. Forget the sterile gym vibes (that I have also never seen) or clinical spa decor—this place is pure Instagram gold. Think sleek, modern interiors with a calming colour palette (lots of cool blues, of course) and a refreshing minimalist aesthetic. You can practically feel the coolness hit you before you even dip your toes in the ice water.

The design isn’t just functional—it’s fancy, like uber-cool. The club boasts custom-built ice baths that look like something out of a high-end Scandinavian wellness retreat (not from Ikea). 

Each ice bath is surrounded by plush seating and cozy robes, making the experience feel more like a luxurious ritual than a self-inflicted bout of discomfort that will make you balls retreat up to your neck, and your d!ck shrink to the size of a rather unimpressive raisin. 

A space for motivated people to hang out.

The Ice Bath Club is a social recovery club featuring luxurious ice baths, large social sauna and a magnificent hot bath. Our cafe serves up awesome açai bowls, healthy smoothies, sandwiches and the best coffee on the street.

Our club was designed to bring together the best of recovery which supports overall health and body wellbeing, while having room to socialise, enjoy lunch and meet with other motivated people.

Our belief is that the ice bath, supported with the sauna and the social atmosphere of our club can have a transformative impact on your overall well-being. It’s a club we hope you will grow to love, a club you can call your own and a club to inspire your next move.

To get in touch with us contact

Benefits: Is It Worth Freezing Your Arse Off?

Now in The Ice Bath Club Review, let’s talk about what you’re really here for: the actual ice bath experience. Upon entering, you’ll be greeted by friendly staff who will walk you through the entire process (and probably reassure you that you won’t actually turn into an eskimo). 

After a quick wellness check (AKA will your heart take it) and pep talk (AKA you sure you want to put your heart through this), you’ll get changed into your Borat mankini and take a deep breath before plunging into the icy water.

The baths are kept at a bone-chilling temperature (usually between 10°C to 15°C) to give you all the benefits without sending you into a full-on polar bear mode. The initial shock is intense—there’s no sugarcoating that. Your body’s fight-or-flight response kicks in, and your first instinct will probably be to leap right back out. But here’s the trick: stay in, breath, and let your body acclimatise: that makes it sound so easy…

For the brave, The Ice Bath Club Review recommended immersion time is anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on how comfortable you feel. The goal is to remain calm and centred—easier said than done when every cell in your body is screaming, “GET ME THE F@CK OUT!” But once you conquer the initial shivers, you’ll start to notice something magical: you’re okay. In fact, you might even start feeling invincible. Welcome to what they call the post-ice bath glow.

Perhaps Spence and I will do a walk-in and do a proper The Ice Bath Club Review when it opens: with full video and photo reveals. The things we do for you, folks…

So, why would anyone willingly put themselves through such a chilly ordeal? For starters, the benefits are real. Athletes have long known that cold-water immersion helps reduce inflammation and soreness, making it a key part of post-workout recovery. But The Ice Bath Club isn’t just for fitness junkies. The general public is also catching on to its mood-boosting effects.

Studies have shown that ice baths trigger the release of endorphins (AKA pain)—the body’s feel-good hormones—helping to reduce stress and even alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Plus, there’s the undeniable energy boost you’ll get after a session. It’s like ten cups of espresso for your whole body, minus the caffeine.

Oh, and did we mention that cold exposure has been linked to burning fat? Specifically, it activates your brown fat, which is responsible for thermogenesis (a fancy word for burning calories to keep you warm). I am so doing this when they open…

So yes, in theory, taking regular ice baths could help you shed some pounds. But let’s not kid ourselves—there’s no ice bath in the world that will undo the damage of your weekend binge on laksa, char kway teow and a few Tigers: hmmm I wonder if you’re allowed to take food and drinks in the bath?

The Social Scene: Ice, Ice, Maybe?

Now, what makes The Ice Bath Club different from, say, filling your bathtub with ice cubes at home? For starters, the community aspect. The club plans to hold regular group sessions and events, where like-minded individuals can come together, embrace the cold, and bond over their shared love of freezing their arses off.

Think of it as a wellness cult (minus the knives) where people encourage each other to take the plunge and stick it out through the shivers. And yes, there will definitely be some very cool selfies involved. In fact, the club is probably going to become the next erect nipple Instagram hotspot.

Membership Perks: More Than Just Cold Water

If you’re thinking of joining the club, they offer various membership options, ranging from drop-in sessions to monthly packages. Members will also get access to exclusive workshops on topics like breathwork, cold therapy techniques, and (my personal favourite) how not to look like you’re dying in an ice bath. 

Plus, there’s a post-bath lounge where you can warm up with herbal teas and nutritious snacks (and smuggled Tigers)—because you’ll need it after willingly turning yourself into a human ice-berg.

Final Thoughts of The Ice Bath Club Review: Chill Out and Try It

In a city like Singapore, where the heat can be relentless, The Ice Bath Club is a refreshing—and quite literally cool—addition to the wellness scene. Whether you’re looking to recover from a tough workout, boost your mood, or just try something out-of-the-ordinary, an ice bath at Tanjong Katong’s newest hotspot might be exactly what you need.

Sure, it’s not for the faint-hearted, and yes, you will feel like a human berg at first. But once you get past the initial shock, you’ll be basking in the cold glow of endorphins, feeling like a million bucks (or at least a very chilled version of yourself). So go ahead—take the plunge. You might just find that freezing your arse off is the hottest new thing.

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