Shu Xiang Fa Far East Plaza
Shuxiang’s #Chef’s Special #Spicy Chicken, is spicy, crispy and delicious. The biggest pleasure is to find crispy and spicy chicken in the pile of peppers and peppercorns, a bite by a bit, just perfect for drinking! Finish eating, making people sweat and feel refreshed.
#辣子鸡 蜀香招牌菜辣子鸡,辣脆爽、鲜香一绝。最大的乐趣便是在堆成山的辣椒、花椒里面找香脆鲜辣的鸡丁,一口一小块,下酒刚刚好!一盘辣子鸡下来,让人挥汗如雨、浑身畅快。 Everyone’s favourite – Shuxiang Restaurant
Far East Plaza #01-22
+65 9320 5185
Shu Xiang Fa Far East Plaza Address
Address: 14 Scotts Rd, Singapore 228213